Chapter 32: I just wanna give up...

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[Not proof read. Ignore the mistakes or just tell me in the comments!! Enjoy!!!]

It had started when Hoseok was watching T.V. Jimin was busy showering himself and Yoongi. As Hoseok felt slick in between his thighs, he quickly got up and turned off the T.V he looked at the couch to ensure that the couch wasn't dirtied. Once he saw no stain, he made his way to his room.

---------- After a week ----------

As told by the doctor, Hoseok's heat didn't stop after one week. The knotting also didn't help but it did stop the pain for the a long time but the the pain would come back after an hour. Jimin had rested for 4 hours each day. He had made breakfast for three people and sometimes he had to skip on one meal in order to tend to Hoseok or Yoongi.

For Hoseok, it was a week spent in hell. He had barely slept the past week and when he did go into a deep sleep, a new wave of pain would jolt him awake and the cycle would restart. He was thankful that Jimin had controlled his wolf and not let it control because if that were to happen then Yoongi would've been left starved for a long long time. At the thought of Yoongi, his omega wolf would whimper and he would cry.

For Yoongi, well, it was the same. He would just lay there. In bed. Watching the ceiling. While the incident kept repeating behind his eyes. 

The couple was in a very pitiful state. They wanted to be there for each other but they couldn't due to society and the society's stupid thoughts. Why do people interfere with other's life? They should decide with whom they wanna have a family with. With whom they wanna live and die. It's their matter not the society's. Do people not know the weight of their words? Don't they know that their nonsense can cause death? Funny thing is, they don't go to jail for it. Instead, they are praised and agreed with.

It is disgusting.

*Ring Ring*

The telephone rang. Jimin was taking a power nap on the living room couch when it rang. He extended his hand upwards and picked up the call. He brought the phone to his ear and answered.


"Hi Jiminie! How's everything?" It was Jin.

"Ah, Hyung." Jimin said and sighed loudly.

"What? Is it that bad? Are you tired? Is Hobi and Yoongi okay?" He said and Jimin hummed.

"Both of them are okay. Hobi is sleeping. His heat is dying now. Yoongi has made some progress. He responds to me calling his name by moving his eyes a little bit. I am very tired." Jimin sniffled.

"I just wanna give up. But I know I can do this. I have came this far and I know I can prove that I am worth it. If I give up now then I will forever hate myself. It's not like I love myself right now. But, the hate for myself will increase and I am scared if that happens then I won't be able to come back. I don't want that to happen." He then sniffed again and wiped his tears away. He then cleared his throat.

"Anyways, hyung, what's going on with you all?" He said to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah. We are alright. Namjoon and PD nim talked and this time, Namjoon will have a solo song. The song director said that the Vocal line is gonna do a song on dimples and just appreciate the girl. We are having two group songs. One is a surprise. The other is under construction right now. When the theme is decided then we will write our lyrics." Jin said.

"Oh. Okay. Hyung, I think that Hobi's heat will finish in 3 days tops. Y'all can come back after 4 days."

"Ok. Minnie, just know that you are not alone. You should go on twitter more. Watch youtube videos made by armys. You should also watch your instagram and search the hashtags. I am sure you will feel good after it." Jin said and then muttered a 'bye' and hung up not waiting for Jimin to answer back.

Jimin frowned but then put the telephone back in it's place. He kept thinking of it and was taken out of his thoughts once he smelled Hoseok's scent increase again. He got up from his space on the couch and made his way towards the kitchen.

He took out a bottle of cold water and drank it. He drank half of it and then closed the cap. He took the bottle to Yoongi's room and helped Yoongi drink it. He took the dirty pile of dishes to the kitchen and put them in the sink. He began to do the dishes.

Once he could hear sniffles and pained whimpers from Hoseok's room, he quickly washed the soaped dishes and put them on the rack to dry them. He made his way to the bedroom and opened the door. He saw Hoseok laying on the bed naked. He was crying and moaning while jerking himself. Jimin would've helped him but he cannot produce a knot after just half an hour of producing one.

He made his way to the pile of water and opened one up. He then went towards Hoseok on the bed and helped him sit upwards.

"Alpha." Hoseok said once he registered the smell. He sniffled and looked at Jimin with tears in his eyes. His eyes pleading.

"I am here. Drink the water." Hoseok shook his head and jerked forward burying his nose in Jimin's neck and inhaling his scent.

"Hoseok, you need to keep yourself hydrated." Jimin said and separated himself from Hoseok. He then put the top of the bottle on Hoseok's lips who opened his mouth and slowly drank the water. When half of the water was gone, Jimin put the water bottle aside and stood up.

"Alpha, please!" Hoseok pleaded and grabbed Jimin's wrist and squeezed tightly. He was crying and sniffling so much. Jimin bent down and kissed his forehead. 

"Wait baby. Let me put the bottle away." He said then again kissed his forehead and put the bottle away.


It happened after 2 days. Hoseok's heat had finally finished and the two had showered and changed the sheets. They had opened the bedroom window to let the room cool down and the smell to go away. Jimin had also insisted to open the whole apartment's windows to completely make the smell of heat disappear. When he had came back, Hoseok was already asleep. He had planned on sleeping next to Yoongi.

He went to Yoongi's room and had kissed him when he saw that he was asleep. He didn't think much of how Yoongi and layed on his back when he had left him against the head board. He also didn't question how the plates were neatly placed on the tray and he didn't even question the empty water glass.

He was too tired that he went straight to Hoseok and layed beside him. He put his arm over his waist and buried his face in his collarbones while Hoseok put his hand under his head and his other hand buried in his hair.

Hoseok was the first one to notice him. He had felt hands on his back massaging it. He hummed and moaned when the hundreds of knots were beginning to separate in his back. Jimin had pressed himself more into Hoseok's collarbone. When Hoseok's mind came to reality and he registered the situation in his mind, he abruptly sat up straight.

It couldn't be Jimin, he was in front of him. 

It couldn't be the members, they were coming after 2 days.

It could be Yoongi but he was in his headspace.

So, his last option was an outsider who has smelled his heat and came in the dorms through the lift. But no one knew about the band living in the apartment. Who was it?

When Hoseok looked at the culprit, he immediately teared up.



Who do you think it is?

Also, This story is near it's end. And I really hope y'all will like the end.

Next chapter will be published soon.

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