Chapter 3: Dress to Impress

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After buying all the accessories, the trio were on their way to the dorms. It was already evening and they were very happy, they sang along with the songs that were playing on the radio. Jungkook and Hoseok even danced to some.

Soon they reached the dorms. They walked out of the vehicle with their shopping bags and knocked on the front door. The door was opened by Jimin who had a chocolate bar in one hand and he was shirtless. Hoseok blushed at seeing Jimin's well-toned stomach. He looked down to avoid Jimin seeing him blush.

"Oh you guys are back. How did it go?" Jimin asked with no interest. Just as a formality.

"Well, it went great." Taehyung said and put the shopping bags on the couch.

"Guys, I made some juice for you. Why don't you sit and I'll bring it." Jin said once he came downstairs after he heard the trio's arrival. The trio sat on the couch while Jimin sat on a bean bag.

"I am not declining, I am just saying that we will talk with him next week. This week is pretty tight for us." Yoongi said as he and Namjoon entered the living room. Yoongi then sat on the love seat. Namjoon sitting beside him.

"We have our final photoshoot with Hyundai tomorrow. Then we have to shoot a teaser the next two days and then we have to practice our choreography. We are getting a day off next week so we will go on that day." Yoongi said. Namjoon nodded agreeing with Yoongi.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked the pair.

"Bang PD wants to have a meeting with us and clearly we don't have a day off so it's scheduled for next thursday." Yoongi said. Then he looked at Hoseok and smiled.

"How was the trip?" He asked Hoseok, Hoseok smiled brightly and his eyes sparkled.

"It was the best. I bought so many beautiful clothes and I bought those shiny joggers and I also bought jewelry from Gucci." Hoseok said excitedly. Suddenly, his expressions changed and now he was pouting.

"And Tae and Kookie made me walk sooooo much. My feet started hurting and I was hungwy." Hoseok said still pouting. The audience cooed at him. Jin brought juice for the trio along with some cookies and cupcakes that he baked. The trio thanked him and started eating.

"Oh my, look it's already 6:00 and Huesung will come pick you up at 8:00. Let's go and get ready Hoseokie-Hyung." Jungkook said. Taehyung along with Hoseok stood up from the couch, They thanked Seokjin for the delicious treat and rushed upstairs to dress Hoseok up.

"Ahhh, he is so cute. He is more submissive than any Omega." Jin said and Namjoon laughed.

"Are comparing my submissiveness with his?" Namjoon said, jokingly beinb angry.

"I am not and I wouldn't ever because you are the best leader and the best boyfriend ever." Jin said kissed Namjoon's forehead.

"Yoonieeee!" Came a loud shout followed with Hoseok running down the stairs. In his hand was a small bag.

"I bought a gift for you." Hoseok said panting a little bit. He gave the small bag which had Gucci label on it to Yoongi and smiled.

"Open it, Hyung." He said. Yoongi took the bag from Hoseok and opened it. Inside the bag were four packets neatly packed. He took the packets in his hands and opened the gift wrap. He gasped and smiled once he saw what was hidden in the four packets.

"Oh Hoseokie, you bought these rings for me?" Yoongi said in amazement.

"Who else has their stage name as Suga?" Hoseok said Yoongi stood up and hugged Hoseok.

"Thanks Hoseok. I will wear it in one of the concerts." Yoongi said once they separated from the hug. 

"Ok!" Hoseok said and smiled at him.

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