Chapter 12: Christmas

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Weeks have passed and Hoseok would always blush when ever he would have eye contact with Yoongi. Yoongi would notice it and smirk at him. Jimin was getting very suspicious but he didn't give much mind to it as they were very busy because they were going cities to cities and being invited to many interviews. 

Their album selling was so much that they were now being recognized in America. They were even called in 'The late show of Stephen Colbert'. There they had performed their song and they were recognized the top boy band after the Beatles. So yeah... they were very famous now.

Their song had been in top 100 in Billboard charts.

They were now back in Korea and today was Christmas. The members were woken early in morning by their sunshine.

"Wake up, Gays!" Hoseok had shouted loud standing in the middle of the corridor where the members rooms were located. He was wearing an oversized red sweater which had a wreath printed in the center. His sweater was so big that it reached till his knees hiding the shorts he wore and showing his collarbones and giving him sweater paws. He had bought it just so he could stay comfortable the whole day, relax and gain energy as they had a concert at night. He stood their happily for 10 minutes and then sighed when no one came outside.

'Oh My God. I don't wanna go to their rooms. I know they did the dirty and I don't wanna see their naked bodies. Well, Jimin and Yoongi are an exception as I love them and if in the future we have a relationship, then I would see them nake--- No! Hobi!!! You can't be in a relationship with them. It has to be one of them and I don't want that s-' Hoseok was thinking but his thoughts were cut off by a door opening beside him.

"Oh Seok. Merry Christmas." SeokJin came out of the room. He was dressed in a White sweater with light Green pajamas with Dark green Christmas trees on it and he had wet hairs.

"You woke up quickly." He said. Hoseok nodded and smiled widely. He went towards Jin and hugged him.

"Merry Christmas Hyungie." He said excitedly. Jin chuckled and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist.

"Oh Hobi, you're awake." Another voice came from the room. There stood Namjoon --as it was Christmas, the members slept with their lovers and Hoseok was left alone --wearing Green sweater paired with white pajamas which had Christmas trees on it. His hairs wet too. Hoseok separated from Jin and went towards Namjoon giving him a hug and greeting him a Merry Christmas.

He squealed and then released Namjoon. "We have to wake the others too." Hoseok said loudly. The couple nodded their head and they went towards the room next to them. They knocked at the door and heard a groan. After a while, Taehyung opened the room. Taehyung growled at them.

"What?!" Taehyung shouted using his Alpha Voice which startled Hoseok as he whimpered and and submissively turned his head to the side. Taehyung was shook at the act and SeokJin glared at him.

"Oh, I am sorry Hoseok!" Taehyung said coming back to his senses and quickly apologizing to Hoseok who had tears in his eyes. 

It was in every unmated Omegas nature to immediately tilt their head sideways showing their necks to the Alpha who had used the Alpha voice. They would also release tears as their brain has to function quickly and it stresses it.

"I-it's okay." Hoseok said and he moved his neck back and his brain coming back to normal. He wiped his tears and then smiled widely again.

"Merry Christmas Taehyungie." Hoseok said. Taehyung smiled and hugged him.

"Merry christmas Seok." Taehyung replied. Jungkook also joined their hug greeting them too. 

"Hurry up and get dressed. We are opening the gifts!" Hoseok said jumping up and down. The four people laughed at Hoseok's giddiness.The second couple closed their bedroom door.

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