Chapter 35: Answer: Love Myself

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The members were all busy in recording their solo songs as well as their title track. The chainsmokers had asked them to have a collaboration with them. They had decided that they will make the beat of the song and BTS will write the lyrics and sing them.

They had sent the beat just a day before and to say it was cool would be an understatement because it was great. It was a happy song and they had titled the song 'Best of me'. They had got the idea of what to write in lyrics and therefore now members were busy writing the lyrics.

"Jimin!" Namjoon shouted once he entered the dorm. Jimin who was sitting right in front of Namjoon looked at him and chuckled. 

"Oh, you are here." Namjoon said wide eyed.

"Anyways, your song is finalised. The final copy is added in the done folder and now your choreography is being planned out."He said and Jimin nodded.

"When will be able to learn new choreo?" Jimin asked 

"Soon. Our choreographer said that you can also add your own dance moves if you want to."

"Really?" Jimin gasped.

"Yes. If you want to do that then you have to go to the company now because they are discussing the choreo of all our songs right now." He said. Jimin closed his diary and quickly stood up.

"I'll will be living then." Jimin said and made his way to his room.

Jimin entered his room and the first thing he saw was Yoongi and Hoseok talking. When they felt his presence they looked up and made eye contact with Jimin. They smiled at him and Jimin smiled back.

"What are you both talking about?" Jimin asked as he sat beside Yoongi on the bed.

"We were talking about writing Cypher pt.3 but the PD-nim rejected our request and now rapline won't have their solo." Yoongi said with his lips turned into a pout. Jimin internally cooed at the cuteness.

"What about you? Why are you so happy?" Hoseok asked.

"Joon said that my song has been finalised and now they are deciding the choreo. He said that I can add my own dance moves too so I am going to the company to discuss my dance moves." Jimin replied. Both the boys hugged Jimin as it was a very good news. After all, Jimin was gonna finally have his own choreography.

After a long hug, Jimin was on his way towards the BigHit building.

The members except Jimin all decided to take a break from lyrics writing. They all decided to watch the new korean movie which had won the oscar 'Parasite'.

"Ahh... Hyung, I won't be able to watch it with you all." Namjoon said to Jin.

"No! Everyone has to watch it with us. You can write your lyrics later. It's just an hour and a half's film. After this, I won't disturb you. Just watch it!" Jin whined and showed his puppy eyes to him. Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Ok." He murmured and Jin gave him a small peck. All of the members settled down in front of their T.V. Jungkook and Hoseok laid on the floor and cuddled each other while Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin sat on the couch. Yoongi sat on the armchair.

The movie started and the members got immersed in it. Soon, Namjoon excused himself and got up from his position leaving Tae to cuddle in with Jin. He smiled when he saw Tae and Jin cuddle. He then went to his room to have a little power nap.

While he walked he stumbled upon a small journal. He bent down and took it in his hands. It was a shiny black colored journal and it had an elastic band tied around it beautifully. Namjoon untied the red band and opened the journal.

'Do not touch' was written on the front page. Namjoon shrugged and closed it.

'Well, it said do not touch. It should be private. I will put it back here.' Namjoon thought and put it beside the wall. 

'It would be bad idea. Let's just see who it belongs to and then I will put it inside their bedroom.' Namjoon then thought and again he untied the band and opened the journal.

'Belongs to: Hobi Hobi' was written in cursive writing. It looked so amazing that Namjoon had his jaws wide opened.

'Didn't knew that Hobi had such a beautiful english writing.' He thought. He then stood up and turned towards the right side. He opened the white door and entered Hoseok's room. What he saw was a very very disturbing sight.

There were papers scattered all around the room. More specifically, crumpled computer paper were scattered all around. There were many blue inked pens littered around the desk. Namjoon scrunched up his face in disgust. He maneuvered his way towards the desk. He grabbed all of the pens in one hand and then kept the book on the empty space.

'I guess I won't be having any sleep today.' He thought. Namjoon then looked around and found a pen holder. He grabbed it started putting all of the scattered pens in it. Once the pens were organized, he then started to collect the papers.

'What is written in them?" He thought and uncrumpled one of the papers. There were lyrics in them. He read it and shook his head.

'Worst thing I have ever read.' He thought. He recognized the writing as Yoongi's writing. He then put the paper in the pile that he had created on the bed. He will then put all of the paper in the bin at once.

After a lot time cleaning, he came across a paper with 2 different handwritings.

There were two passages written. He couldn'trecognize the first one but the second passage was written in cursive writing and he immediately recognized it as Hoseok's.

The title on the page read, 'Answer: Love Myself'. Namjoon was impressed of the title and started reading the lyrics.

If you look at it a certain way, It is harder loving yourself than loving someone else.

After reading the first line, Namjoon nodded in agreement. He then sat cross legged on the floor beside the bed and continued reading.

Honestly, let's admit what we have to admit the standards you put out are harsher on yourself.

At this Namjoon heaved a big sigh as if the line relatable.

Inside the center of your life is a thick growth ring, it's a part of your life, and is also what you are Let's forgive ourselves now.

Our lives are too long to just throw ourselves out. I believe in myself inside this maze, because when winter passes,

and then 'spring comes again' was written in a different writing. This was Jimin's as he was the only one who wrote his words in small font. Then the writing changed to cursive.

That's right, that beauty is there, my feelings that know that beauty is here. Is on the road to loving myself, my most needed work. Now for me, just for me, attitude for me is the behaviour I need for myself.

Namjoon smiled at the words.

I'll show you what I got.

This line was written in English and to say Namjoon felt proud was an understatement because lately the members were taking english classes from him. Especially Hoseok.

I am not afraid because that is my existence.

And then the last line was written in english

Love Myself.

"Namjoon?" Came a voice from the door frame. Namjoon quickly closed the paper neatly and faced the person.


So I am now quarantined and my exams are not taking place. I am also writing my other story which is a soulmate au of Sope. I will release the first chapter very very soon.

Read that book also and this book is also coming to an end very very soon.

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