Chapter 6: Boyfriend Stealer

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 It was the next day and Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting in Hoseok's studio. Yoongi was there because he wanted to help Hoseok in making the beat for their song. 

"Yoongs, you can go and work on the lyrics. I was the one who said to make the beat. I can do it alone." Hoseok said to Yoongi who shook his head at him.

"The song is from SOPE, and sope is a word which is made by merging J-hope and Suga. So, it's only fair that I help you in everything. Even in lyrics if you want." He said and Hoseok smiled at him.

"Thanks." Hoseok mumbled. To which Yoongi replied with a hum. The pair then started to make the beat.

"I am thinking we should make the beat which gives off Christmas vibes, as it would be christmas that day." Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded.

--Time Skip--

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" Hoseok shouted and Jimin opened door and entered the studio. He smiled at the pair and went towards Yoongi and gave him a peck. Hoseok watched it happen with a smile on his face but then removed it once he registered that he is not gonna have the same treatment.

"Baby, it's 8 and you've been working from 11 in the morning. I miss youuuu. Let's go on a dinner date!" Jimin said. Yoongi smiled and nodded at him.

"Hoseokie, you should also take a break. Let's continue it tomorrow." Yoongi said but Jimin scoffed before Hoseok can give an answer.

"Babe. He was the one who wanted to make the beat. Why are you helping him? You should be working on your part of the lyrics not help him in his work. Does he helps you?" Jimin said which made Yoongi frown and Hoseok to have the ache in his chest. A lump forming in his throat.

"Jiminie, I wanted to volunteer because he it's his first time creating a beat." Yoongi said as he stood up.

"So what? It's his problem. He shouldn't have taken the job if he didn't know how to do a job every rapper does." Jimin said and rolled his eyes at Hoseok.

"I think that is enough Minnie. Let's leave." Yoongi said and grabbed Jimin's arms, then he started dragging Jimin out of the studio. 

"You shouldn't keep boyfriend stealers as your company." Was the last thing Hoseok heard before the door was closed. As the walls of the building were very thick, he couldn't hear anymore sounds. Hoseok gasped at Jimin's sentence and eventually his tears started to come out.

"I am not a boyfriend stealer." He said and sobbed until his phone rang. Before picking up, he wiped his tears, sniffled and cleared his throat. Then he picked up the call.

"Hoseok, it's 10 right now and you are still not here. Come back to the dorms this instant and I will make you eat food in front of me got it? I am expecting you in 10 minutes. A minute late and you will get spankings. Got it?" Jin said and Hoseok let out a weird noise which in his view was a short laugh but in Jin's view it was like he was refusing.

"I said Got it?" Jin repeated again this time more sternly.

"Yes, hyung. Yes." Hoseok said. Then his body shook after recalling that he will get spankings. Jin hung up the call and Hoseok rushed to close all the devices. Then he took his studio keys and left the studio locking it behind. 

Hoseok was out in the streets, he was shivering and the darkness of the night was too scary. Hoseok took in a deep breath and started running. He ran towards the dorm in order to escape the scary darkness. 

Soon he was just 2 blocks away from the dorm. He reached the dorm and entered the very lit lobby area. He went inside the elevator and pulled the emergency button then pressed the 2 button where the BTS's dorm was. The elevator dinged and closed the door. 

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