Chapter 28: Slap!

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[Not proofread. If there are mistakes, then ignore them or correct me. <3 Enjoy.]

"Son, I have to say, you are the best chef ever!" Hoseok's mom commented Jin as he smiled.

"Aunt, This food is also made by Jungkookie and Hoseokie." Jin said. The two Omegas blushed as they were praised along side Jin.

"Yoongi-ah, I want you to have a mate like Jungkook or Hoseokie." Yoongi's father said. The rest of the table laughed.

"What about a mate like Jin-hyung?"

"Oh, well a mate like Jin is also good." His mom said. It was evident in her voice that she was saying it with distaste. Jin's mom was about to respond but he grabbed her hand from beneath table and squeezed eventually silencing her.

The members and their families had already ate the dinner and now were finishing up their deserts.

"Ok, Yoongi-ah, We will take our leave as I am very tired and want to sleep." Yoongi's Mom said and got up. Yoongi too got up and went towards his parents standing in front of them. They kept seated as they thought that Yoongi wanted to say something. The attention of the table was now at him.

"I-umm... have to ahh.." Yoongi stuttered and rubbed the back of his neck. Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other and then sighed. They held their hands together and went to stand beside Yoongi. Yoongi was in the middle while Jimin and Hoseok stood at his side.

"Actually, we all have to say something." Hoseok said mustering up courage to finally tell their parents.

"We three are in love and we want to be each other's mates." Jimin said.

"Yeah, and we know that a mating is not accepted unless an Omega isn't included, we have Hoseok here for that." Yoongi said. For the first time in his life, he went something in his gut. He felt like something's gonna happen. 

For the first time in his life, Yoongi was scared of his parents reaction.

Though he shouldn't be because his parents always supported him. Always were there for him. Always supported his lame theories which he would come up with when he was a child. His parents had supported him when he had made his decision that he would go to Seoul to pursue his music career.

His parents had fought for him when his relatives and elders in the family discouraged him. They always said that there are prostitutes in the entertainment industry, and that debuting as an entertainer would be same as selling his body to any stranger. They used to say that in entertainment industry entertainers sell their body in order to recieve fame. All of these dirty things which did discourage Yoongi but his parents encouraged him, Told him that those people just rely upon rumours and that he shouldn't listen to them.

He is thankful that his parents had booked a ticket to Seoul and had pushed him on the train (literally, they had packed his bags and had pushed him inside the train and held him there until he gave up and sat down after a sigh) or else he wouldn't have found his two lovers, the two people who gave hope to him, the two people who were a light at the end of his darkness.

So Yoongi shouldn't be scared of his parents reaction, because they would happily embrace their son and would give their blessing to him.

But, why was he feeling a stinging pain on his cheeks? Did a bee bite him there? But then his face wouldn't be turned sideways from the impact. He wouldn't have tears in his eyes. Why did he have tears? Were they of happiness? Sadness? 

Yoongi's mind couldn't register what had happened. It felt like it had shut down. But why was he conscious if his mind was off? He didn't know. It was like his something had happened to his mind. His ears were ringing. He looked forward to see his father standing in front of him with an angry expression. Why was he angry? And was that Jimin growling? He literally had no idea what was going on. Hoseok was holding on to him. He was pulling him back. He looked at Hoseok and furrowed his brows. 

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