Chapter 31: Decisions made.

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 The next day came very quick. Hoseok hadn't talked to Jimin that night as he needed courage to do that and he took the whole night as a time to gather up courage to talk to him. He had decided that he would confront him after breakfast but he didn't imagine this.

What happened was, Hoseok had laid on his bed that night instead of sleeping with Jimin and Yoongi like normal. That morning he was woken up by someone calling his name.

"Hoseok." He heard someone say softly, too softly. He opened his eyes and looked behind him to see Jimin sitting beside him. Jimin was brushing his hairs away from his face. He smiled once he saw Hoseok woke up and Hoseok smiled too. Jimin's smile was too fond. It looked like he was watching the stars for the first time in his life. Fascinated by their beauty and how they sparkle and put life in the dull night sky.

"Jiminie?" Hoseok said and sat up. He put his back against the headrest and rubbed at his eyes to get rid of the sleep. He felt Jimin slip forward. Then his hands were grabbed and Jimin put them on his lap.

"Seokie, you didn't sleep with us yesterday. Why?" He asked.

"I just laid here for a while and then I had drifted off to sleep."

"Hoseok. I know there is something that is bugging you. I know we've been in a relationship for less amount of time but we've known each other for more than 5 years and I know when something is bothering you. Please tell me." He said. Hoseok sighed and looked at their hands.

"I won't beat around the bush then. The thing is, my heat is coming up." He said.

"I can tell."

"Yeah and I don't want to burden you. You are already busy taking care of Yoongi, you would have to take care of me too. This time, my heat will be much stronger. I had thought of spending it alone in one of the omega centers." He saw Jimin frown and open his mouth to interject but he cut him before he could say anything.

"But, I am scared. I am scared that it will hurt too much and I have to bare it alone. I am sorry for being selfish. I know you have to be there for Yoongi and I should not burden you. I was also thinking to just sneak away and spend my heat and then come back after my heat is finished but I am too scared of just the thought of the pain and leaving you and Yoongi and I am so sorry." Hoseok had started sobbing. Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him towards his chest.

"No seok. You would not burden me. Never ever. In fact, I would've been very upset and disappointed if you did sneak out and then came back after your heat is finished. Me and Yoongi had already listed the pros and cons of getting into poly relationship and nothing can be much more important than having you both being called as mine. Yoongi thought the same." Jimin pulled back and wiped Hoseok's tears who had stopped crying.

"I will gladly help you with your heat. Yoongi would've too if he would be able to. I know you would want to spend your first heat, after coming in a relationship with us, with both of us but I am sure Yoongi would want you to spend your heat with me too. Please, let me. Don't worry about me, I will adjust. I can take care of you as well as Yoongs and I want to prove that I am enough for my future mates.. Me as an Alpha can take care of both of my beta and my omega. And I can fulfill all alpha duties. What his parents said, affected me and I know I shouldn't feel like this but," He stopped and took a deep breath.

"My wolf feels insulted and I have to prove myself that I can take of myself as well as my soon to be mates all right. That I am capable of supporting my mates and myself just fine." Jimin said and then he wiped away a tear that fell from his over flooded eyes. He sniffled and then smiled.

"I almost forgot. Yesterday night, Yoongi was calling you. He was mumbling something in his sleep and I had woken up but turns out he was clenching his hands and he was saying your name. I couldn't find you and when I found you here, you were deep in sleep so I left you. Why don't you wash up and meet him. Let's have breakfast in the room. I'll tell Jin-hyung about it." Jimin said. Hoseok's eyes widened and he quickly untangled himself from his sheets and kissed Jimin before leaving to do his morning routine.

He was very excited as it meant that Yoongi is coming back to them.


The trio were having breakfast in Jimin and Yoongi's room. They had adjusted Yoongi so he was sitting on the bed with half of his back against the pillow and the head board. Hoseok had taken the duty to feed Yoongi. He and Jimin talked about anything and everything between them while Yoongi had just blinked his eyes and looked straight ahead. 

The doctor, when Hoseok had called him that day, told them that Yoongi is coming back from his head space. That he is trying to come out and his blinking like a normal person, his eyes moving, his hands clenching and him mumbling some words are clear signs. The pair as well as the rest of the members were ecstatic when they listened to this great news.

Then they had asked about Hoseok's heat and the doctor said that it would indeed be too much for the Omega and he would advice that he spend it with an alpha or a beta. He also said to keep him hydrated and healthy as he would feel pain for like every other hour instead of normal 4-5 hours. He also said that the pain won't go away with a single knot so he has to bare some pain and his body could only afford a knot with plenty of hours of break.

Also the fact that an alpha can't produce a knot every hour. So it would be hard for Hoseok. The members had decided to leave the house after 2 days. They would call the staff and update them with the progress. Namjoon would also ask for extending their next album release for at least a month and a half. So they decided to release their album some day in August.

Jin had taken upon himself to stack up Hoseok's room with essentials. They would use Hoseok's room as they thought it would be inappropriate with Yoongi just beside them. That day, the trio had spent the whole day together. They had eaten in their bedroom. They had talked alot. They had discussed everything with each other and then at night they had bathed together and then retired to the bed together. The coming days would be hard for them but right now, all they want is each other together.


No I won't be writing the smut because I am bad at it but if anyone wants to volunteer then you are most welcome.

Next chapters will be published soon.

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