Chapter 38: End Of The Painful Break

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[Not Proof read.]

It's been a few months since they had their comeback and the twitter was trending 'AnswerLoveMyself'. The fans loved that song and many fans tweeted that the song related to themselves.

The members were very happy to see that many people were relating themselves with their song. It was a huge step towards the members loving themselves. Today was a special day.

Today they had officially announced their tour dates.

Today, the trio were putting an end to their small break.

"These few months were very torturous, away from you both but I learned how to love myself so I am greatful." Yoongi said. He was holding both of Hoseok's and Jimin's hands in each of his.

"It was like a prison to me but now, I can love both of you with all of myself." Jimin said.

"Honestly, I thought that I won't be able to achieve what I want to achieve but thanks to the members and many fans, I can without any doubt, give all of myself to you both." Hoseok said. The three then took turns in kissing each other. They then separated and the members surrounding them all clapped and then they had a group hug.

"YoonMinSeok is back!" Jungkook shouted. The members laughed at him.

"We should celebrate this." Taehyung said. They all agreed and that is how they all ended up drunk cuddling with their partners.

The next day, The trio were resting on the bed when Yoongi sat up straight. He signaled Hoseok and Jimin to sit up too. When the pair were facing him, Yoongi took a deep breath in and then exhaled it.

"I-I can't look at my future wiithout both of you in it. I can't even imagine us breaking up or having a break again. That happened for the first and last time. I don't know about you both but I have been thinking about it for a few days." Yoongi paused.

"I am ready to mate." He said and the other 2 men's eyes widened. Yoongi grabbed both of their hands in his and continued.

"I really want to spend the rest of my life with you two. I really want to call you my Alpha." He said looking at Jimin.

"And you as my Omega." He looked at Hoseok.. Yoongi stopped. Hoseok exhaled and nodded.

"Yeah. I want to do that too." Hoseok said. Jimin too agreed and they shared a very passionate kiss. They heard a knock at the door. Yoongi chuckled when Jimin and Hoseok didn't separate from each other.

"Hyung the breakfast is ready." Taehyung's voice came. 

"We will be there in 15." He said back. He got up from the bed and went towards the bathroom to get ready for the morning.

The trio sat at the table together and they silently ate the breakfast. When all of the members finished eating, Jimin cleared his throat. The attention went to him.

"We are announcing something very important." He said. He grabbed both Yoongi and Hoseok's hand and the looked at the members.

"We have decided to mate each other." He announced. The members all cheered for them. They expressed their happiness by hugging them or kissing their cheeks.

"After all of the painful pining, finally." Taehyung had said that. The members all laughed at him.

"It was too painful to see them looking at each other with those heart eyes." Jungkook said and earned at light smack from Jin on his head.

"As if you don't give those hungry eyes to Taehyungie." Jin said and Jungkook blushed.

They all laughed at their bickering. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin all looked at each other and smiled fondly. 

They couldn't wait to have their adventures with each other in the future.


This is the 2nd last chapter. The epilogue will be published soon and then this book will be officially completed. I will do the editing in May.

I am so excited for the concert!!! It is my first ever concert and I am over the moon.

Please give a read to my other YoonSeok book called 'SOULMATES' 

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