Chapter 22: Heats

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[Not Proof read]

Namjoon sighed for the nth time. He was sitting on the small seat in his room which faced the window of the bedroom. He was looking out of the window to the view of Seoul. He was sighing from time to time and hearing his long sighs, Jin was getting annoyed.

"What the hell Joon?" Jin said annoyed. Namjoon flinched at Jin's tone and looked at him. Jin closed his book and set it aside.

"Come here." Jin said tapping his thighs with both of his hands. Namjoon quickly stood up and made his way towards his alpha. He got on the bed and put both of his legs on either side of Jin sitting on his lap facing him. Once Namjoon was settled, Jin put his hands on Namjoon waist and pulled him closer so that Namjoon was laying on Jin with his head on his chest.

"Tell me, Omega, what is making you think so hard?" Jin asked. Namjoon sighed on Jin's chest. He put one hand around Jin's waist and the other on his chest.

"Hyung, I thought about this and it's about Hoseokie." Namjoon said.

"What about him?"

"He didn't have his heat after the one in which he took the suppressants. I was thinking, is something wrong with him?" Namjoon said and Jin stopped stroking his hair for a second but then continued.

"Hmm, now I think about it, he didn't have his heats for like 5 months." Namjoon nodded at that. He took his head off of Jin chest and looked at him.

"We should talk to him about this. Maybe go to a doctor together. Well, not you. I don't want you present when we talk or go to the doctor."

"Why?" Jin asked placing his hands on Namjoon's waist.

"Because he won't feel good talking about his heats in front of an alpha. He is too shy. I know him." Namjoon said. 

"I will talk to him tonight." Namjoon said and Jin nodded and then silence fell on them. The two stared at each others' eyes and were smiling at each other.

Namjoon leaned in and their lips were about to touch when Namjoon jolted back with an 'ow!' and rubbed the area beneath his eyes.

"Hyung, your glasses!" Namjoon said. Jin quickly took off his glasses and cupped Namjoon's face removing his hands from his face. He worriedly looked at Namjoon's face for any injury but it was all fine just a little scratch because of the pointed edges of the glasses.

"I am so sorry baby!" Jin said and kissed the scratch again and again. Namjoon giggled at that. They then properly kissed each other.


"Seokie?" Jimin said.

"Yeah?" Hoseok answered. The trio was in their room laying down on the bed. All of them were cuddling each other. Yoongi was in the middle as he just woke up. Yoongi was not feeling well from yesterday. He had a high fever this morning and yesterday.

 Jimin and Hoseok were taking care of him by scenting him, making him food and feeding him. They were now cuddling him as he had demanded that he wanted 'heat' as it was too cold. Which was just an indirect way of asking for cuddles. Jimin and Hoseok had chuckled at that.

"I was thinking, we have been together for 3 months and you haven't had your heat in these 3 months." Jimin said and Hoseok thinking.

"You are right. I haven't had my heat for almost 5 months, after I took those suppressants." Hoseok said and frowned.

"Is something wrong with me? Maybe I should go see a doctor. But, then they will ask me if I have taken a suppressant or not. Then I will get caught. Will they put me in jail for not taking suppressants without a prescription?" Hoseok said but then gasped and looked at Jimin directly.

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