Chapter 36: NamKook

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[Not ProofRead. Ignore the mistakes or just tell me in the comments. <3]

"Namjoon?" A voice came from the door of the bedroom. Namjoon quickly stuffed the piece of paper in his pocket and got up from his position on the floor and turned around to face SeokJin.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked.

"The movie finished and I came to the room to cuddle with you but you weren't there. I was passing from here and saw the pile of papers and you sitting on the floor." SeokJin said while entering the room and standing in front of Namjoon.

"Hyung, did you finish the lyrics for our song?" He asked. Jin tilted his head in confusion.

"Which song?" He asked.

"The song in which we have to convey the message of loving ourselves." Namjoon said. Jin 'oh'ed in realisation and then nodded.

"Yeah, I did but they are a bit broken like some phrases are needed to join them so that those line make a bit sense." Jin said. Namjoon nodded.

"Can you give me the lyrics?" He asked. Jin nodded.

"Right now?" Namjoon said. At first Jin furrowed his brows and he wanted to ask Namjoon why he was behaving like this but he held himself back and decided to just see where this all goes. Jin nodded then and made his way towards his own room where he had a desk on which he wrote his lyrics and sometimes made beats.

He grabbed his journal with a white hardcover and handed it to Namjoon. 

"They are in here." He said. Namjoon nodded and without saying another word he exitd the room with the journal in his hands.

'I should go to my studio. Maybe I can make a perfect song over there.' Namjoon thought on his way towards the front door of the house. He was so lops in his thoughts that he didn't see Jungkook and Jimin coming towards him. Jungkook and Jimin thought that Namjoon would stop while Namjoon didn't even notice them so they crashed into each other. 

"Ow!" Jungkook said as Namjoon's head hit his chin and Namjoon hissed and rubbed his ribs as they were hit by Jimin's chest. By the crash, Namjoon dropped Jin's lyric journal and the journal fell down on the ground. Due to the impact of falling, it opened and Jimin and Jungkook looked at the journal.

"Are you putting the song together?" Jimin asked. Namjoon nodded. He quickly picked up the journal and was about to continue on to his journey but Jimin stopped him by grabbing his elbow. Namjoon looked at him in confusion.

"If this is about the loving yourself song then I have also prepared some lyrics." Jimin said.

"Oh, me and Taehyung have also prepared some broken lyrics." Jungkook said. Namjoon looked at Jungkook and then again at Jimin. He nodded.

"Okay, bringthem to me." He said. The two boys smiled. Jimin left his hand and quickly ran to grab his lyric journal. Jungkook stood there beside Namjoon scratching his neck. Namjoon looked at him Jungkook looked down.

"Hyung, my lyric journal is in my studio." Jungkook said.

"It's okay. You can come with me. I am headed to my own studio." Namjoon said. Jungkook nodded and went to his room to grab a coat, a mask and a bucket hat. When he came out, Namjoon was holding two journals and Jimin was standing beside him. When they saw Jungkook, they bid each other goodbye and Jungkook and Namjoon exited the dorm fully disguised.

Soon, they entered their company's building. They quickly made their way to the floor where Namjoon's, Hoseok's, Jungkook's and Taehyung's studio were located. It also held their dance practice room and their music recording room. Jungkook quickly went to his studio and unlocked it with a key while Namjoon went t his own studio and also unlocked it with a key.

Namjoon entered his studio and closed it behind him. He opened all of the computers in his studio and set the tw journals on his desk. He took out the folded paper from his pocket and neatly laid it on the table beside the two journals. He then opened one of his drawers and took out out his own lyrics book.

Namjoon sat on his seat and after a few minutes a knock was heard. He loudly said, "Come in!" and the person responsible for the soft knock entered. Jungkook closed the door behind him and took his seat on the leather couch in Namjoon's studio. He gave his lyric journal to Namjoon and he took it from him. 

Jungkook looked at the 4 lyric journals which included his own too and the paper which was crumpled and then folded. He then looked at Namjoon with his curious stare and Namjoon sighed.

"This journal is Jin's." Namjoon said while pointing at the white hardcovered journal.

"This one is Jimin's." He said and pointed the journal next to the white one.

"This is mine." He said and pointed to the 3rd journal.

"And I found this paper in Hoseok's room and I think it is written by Hoseok and Yoongi." He said. Jungkook nodded.

"I am planning on using these lyrics to create the new song." He said and Jungkook's mouth formed an 'o' in understanding.

Namjoon then opened the journals till the pages where the last lyrics were written. In this song, the members were just told about the concept. They didn't discuss the title of the song so they all had named the page 'Unnamed Song'.

Namjoon had laughed at their mutual thinking. He also showed this Jungkook who laughed too. 

"Hyung, I would really like if I could help you with the beats or the lyrics." Jungkook said turning serious. Namjoon looked straight in his eyes.

"Are you asking to help in composing a beat of song?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook nodded.

"All of a sudden? It's first time composing one." He said.

"That is the reason. I have thought about it a lot and I think I am ready to upgrade my skills. I want to compose beats too. I am also thinking editing our music videos but that is a bit long sighted-ness." Jungkook said and chuckled a bit at the end.

"I am proud of you." Namjoon said and Jungkook blushed and looked down at his lap. Namjoon laughed and put his hand over his mouth.

"Why are you proud?" He asked.

"Because you are upgrading yourself and taking a step forward." Namjoon replied.

"Yeah, I really want to do much more bigger for armies." Jungkook said and then looked at the ceiling and started rubbing his hands.

"I remember when we had small crowd for our fanmeeting and for our concert and now, people are dying to see us. I really want to express my gratitude towards them. They-" Jungkook sniffled and wiped some tears that had fallen from his eyes.

"They really did taught us how to love ourselves. They literally call me rabbit!" Jungkook gave a watery laugh and Namjoon smiled at him. Jungkook sniffled again and wiped his face clean from any tears.

"Let's start Hyung." Jungkook said. Namjoon grabbed his cheeks and brought his face forward. He kissed Jungkook's forehead and then ruffled his hairs.

"I really am proud of you. You were just a 15 year old and now, you are more than an average man your age." Namjoon said and Jungkook smiled.

The two then started their task. The reason why they were here.


This is a small chapter but I wanted to publish this cuz it's been many days since I last updated. Some NamKook for y'all.

I have been busy writing my still unpublished book. I was thinking of having at least 10-11 chapters done before hand. Now it has it's first 10 chapters finished and I am updating this book.

The unpublished book is now being published and the first chapter which is the intro is being published on 3 April so please give it a read. I hope y'all will like it!!

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