Chapter 19: Finally here

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[Not proof read. Ignore the mistakes.]

"Gentlemen, please put your seat belts on as we are going to land in 10 minutes." The flight attendant said and the members were awake by the noise. They all cheered as finally they were going to land. They buckled themselves up and watched as the plane landed on the ground. 

The plane stopped and the members all stood up. They were led out of the plane escorted by many people. Just as they were about to exit the airport, they all wore the masks covering half of their faces and the doors opened. 

They all got out in a straight line. At the front was SeokJin. Behind him was Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and then Jimin in the order. There were many screams all around the airport. The members waved to the armies.

A girl came so close to Hoseok, invading his personal space. Hoseok moved a bit to the left but the girl came to the left too. 

"Oppa, I love you!" The girl said and Hoseok awkwardly smiled at her. Yoongi watched all of this happen. He couldn't do anything because if he pushed a girl away, then there would be many scandals which would his reputation at risk. Also seen that it was a girl and not a boy. Yoongi angrily searched for the people who were supposed to keep people like them away.

'I am so gonna report about this.' He thought. 

After a little while a guard spotted the girl and quickly pushed her away. She stumbled back and landed on a trash bin. Thankfully, Hoseok was wearing a mask as he laughed at how the girl landed on a trash bin.

They all were escorted to the Hyundai Palisade as Hyundai had told them that they would provide cars for them as they are their brand ambassadors after all.

All entered the car and Yoongi sat on Jimin's lap as his butt was still stinging. It was truly a struggle to walk. His knees were seconds away to giving up.

"Ok boys, we will take you to the hotel. You all will rest for today and then you will report to the stadium where our concert will be held tomorrow early in the morning. This will be the routine. You will report every day to the concert venue and then at night the concert will be held. After 5 days, the Billboard awards will be held and further information will be given to you that day." The manager said.

The boys all nodded and relaxed in their seats. The drive to hotel would be at least 30 minutes.

"Wow!" Hoseok said internally as he looked at the beautiful lobby of their hotel. It was themed in golden color and it was like a sea of gold had washed upon the lobby. Everything shined golden. There was a long mirror at the entrance and in front of the mirror was the reception desk. The members were escorted to the left side of the hall where there were three elevators.

They were escorted to the last elevator passing the two. The elevator was small so at first shift Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung along with their manager and a bodyguard went. At the second shift Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon went along with 2 bodyguards.

They all reached the floor where there rooms would be.

"So, Jin and Namjoon will share a room. Jungkook and Taehyung will share a room. Hobi, you wanna share a room or you want a room all to yourself?" The manager asked Hoseok. As the trio had not told about their relationship to anyone except the members, the manager laid the two options in front of Hoseok.

"Oh, I will share will Minnie and Hyung." Hoseok said cutely and the manager nodded ruffling his hairs.

"Ok boys, as it is still the afternoon, I want you all to eat lunch. You can order the food in your bedrooms or you can go and eat in the dining hall at floor 32. That is only for VIP personnel so if you meet any big star don't be too excited." The manager said and laughed. He waved good bye and left the members in the lobby.

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