Chapter 18: Intimate

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"Attention, please! We will land in Dubai in 10 minutes. Please wear your seat belts. You will be escorted outside by our security." The flight attendant made the announcement. Hoseok got off of Jimin's lap and sat on his seat. He buckled himself and was relieved that he will finally stretch his legs out.

The airplane landed and the members were escorted out of the plane by many security guards. They sat on a bus which took them to a VIP lounge.

Upon their arrival in the lounge they were greeted by another artist sitting on the sofa reading the magazine. She glanced up and gasped once she saw BTS. The boys too smiled at her and they all hugged and shook each other's hands.

"Becky, what a pleasant surprise!" Namjoon said. The members still didn't knew how to speak fluent English so they remained quiet while Namjoon decided to be the translator and talk for them.

"I have heard a lot about y'all! You goin' to billboard yeah?" Becky asked and Namjoon nodded.

"Yes! We are very excited to perform on Billboard." Namjoon said. His fists balled up.

"Sit down guys!" Becky said and they all sat on the sofa. The members and Becky all talked to each other.

"I have listened to your songs J-Hope, how 'bout we do a lill' collab?" Becky said and Namjoon translated for Hoseok. Hoseok excitedly shouted a 'yes!' in English and the members all chuckled.

"How 'bout after y'all get done with billboard an' stuff?" Becky said and Namjoon translated again. Hoseok again said 'yes!' and they all resumed to their talks.


"Please sirs, it's time for your flight. Follow me." A staff member came and said this to the members of BTS. Namjoon nodded and stood up. Becky too stood up, the members all following. They hugged Becky goodbye and made their way towards their airplane.

After the boarding, the members all sat down on their seats and buckled their seatbelts. Once they were in the air, they unbuckled themselves and started goofing around the airplane ordering many drinks and food.

"I think that's enough sprite for you Hoseok." Yoongi said to Hoseok who shook his head. 

"It's not enough!" Hoseok shouted clearly high on Sugar. Yoongi sighed as Hoseok drank his 17th cup of sprite. Jimin was now fuming with anger as Hoseok was screaming at them and cursing to from time to time. Jimin and Yoongi made eye contact and nodded at each other. Jimin forcefully grabbed his forearm and stood up forcing Hoseok to stand up with him. Hoseok stared at him shocked with his mouth wide open.

Jimin dragged Hoseok towards the toilets leaving Yoongi behind. Hoseok was easily dragged inside the toilet as he was still in shock. Jimin closed the door and pushed Hoseok on the door harshly. Hoseok groaned in pain and instinctively closed his eyes.

Jimin stared at him and then Hoseok opened his eyes. Jimin grabbed his hands and pinned them on the door above his head. Hoseok looked into Jimin's eyes. Jimin's eyes held a very strong emotion of lust and Hoseok feared for himself.

The door knocked from behind Hoseok and Jimin pulled Hoseok towards himself. Hoseok's head landed on Jimin's chest and the toilet door was opened. Yoongi came inside the stall and closed, locking the door behind him.

Jimin looked down at Hoseok and smirked. Yoongi pulled Hoseok by his shoulders so now he was facing Jimin. Jimin leaned down and captured Hoseok's lips. Yoongi went towards his neck and starting leaving kisses on his neck. Yoongi's hand went around Hoseok's waist and started fumbling with the belt. Jimin's own hands snaked around Hoseok's waist and groped at his ass. His hands brushing against Yoongi's erection. 

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