Chapter 8: Jihope

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Jungkook laid on the bed beside Hoseok and covered both of them with a blanket. He cuddled with Hoseok. Jin cleaned the blood with some alcohol pads and then put a cream on it. Lastly, he wrapped up the hand with a white medical cloth.

Jimin just stood there, feeling guilty. He felt like crying because he thought all of that thing about Hoseok just because of his emotions. He felt apologizing to Yoongi and Hoseok because of his foul mouth.

Jimin moved his eyes from Jungkook cuddling Hoseok to Hoseok's bandaged hands which had a red spot on some places. He then looked at Hoseok.

He looked so fragile, it felt like he would break if someone would touch him. He looked so delicate that Jimin had the urge to wrap him up in a blanket and treat him with so much carefulness. Treat him like a person would treat a newborn baby.

Jimin made his way towards Hoseok and sat beside Hoseok's feet. He kept looking at Hoseok's face for awhile. Then he moved his hand forward and brushed Hoseok's bangs. When his bangs were out of his face, he moved his hands to his cheeks and caressed it so softly. 

Taehyung signaled Jungkook to get out of the bed which he did. The four, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook all looked at the scene taking place. They all awed at that scene, it was just so romantic.

"Jin-hyung, our ship is sailing!" Namjoon whispered to Jin and squealed quietly.

"What?" Taehyung said as he heard Namjoon say this.

"Oh, umm... we umm... kindaaaa ship YoonMinSeok." Namjoon said sheepishly. His hands going at the back of his neck.

"Oh My God! You too." Jungkook said and squealed quietly.

"Yeah. You both too ship them?" Jin asked and Taehyung and Jungkook both nodded. The omegas both squealed. The four went out of the room shutting it after they were out.


Jimin laid beside Hoseok where Jungkook was laying before. He put a hand on his waist and let his tears roll down.

"I am so sorry hyung. I am so selfish. I just got so jealous that you bought a gift for Yoongi and wore my favorite dior outfit." He sniffled and grabbed Hoseok's unharmed hand.

"I am so sorry. I acted on my instinct. Everyone was giving you so much attention and you are on everyone's head. The members all are just thinking about you. I hate it so much. I don't know why I hate it when people touch you or look at you with those eyes. I just feel very possessive." Jimin said and now he was crying rivers and sniffling in the middle of the sentences.

"I am just angry at you because you give all of your attention to Yoongi or the maknaes. I am also a part of the maknae line. You should joke with me too. You are so submissive towards the others but when I initiate a conversation with you, you always become shy and try to me." Jimin said and felt Hoseok squeeze his hand but he ignored it.

"Oh I am being a crybaby. It's just because me and Yoonie-hyung had a fight. I feel so guilty. I am sorry Seokie. We had a fight because I was jealous of your and Yoongi's relationship. There is this hashtag that is trending worldwide and it is Sope_is_real. I feel so jealous. Why? Why not YoonMin? We are in a relationship." Jimin said and wiped his eyes. He kept on looking down at his and Hoseok's intertwined hands.

"I have to apologize to Yoongi. But first, I thought that I should apologize to you." Jimin sniffled and looked up. Hoseok was still unconscious. Jimin kept looking at his face while sniffling from time to time.

'His face is so beautiful. He really is a sunshine. Armies were not joking. Why did I noticed it now?' Jimin thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Hoseok groan.

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