Chapter 11: I Don't Regret It

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It's been a few weeks and today was BTS's comeback. They had to perform on the stage of M countdown. Everything was set and there was not even a little bit of chance of anything going wrong.

The group had a very tough week and they were given a week's break so that they can gather their energy for their world tours. In the week break, the group had a very good bonding session with their mates.

Jin and Namjoon had gone on many cheesy dates like going out and watching the sunset, baking cakes and many sugary sweets, cuddling with each other etc.

Taehyung and Jungkook also had fun. They sneaked out of the house to go to the amusement park at 3:00 A.M and when they came back, Jin had screamed their ears out. They also went shopping and bought many plushies for Hoseok and themselves.

Jimin and Yoongi too had fun but their fun was limited inside the house as they enjoyed themselves cooking food, binge watching dramas and cuddling together on the living room couch.

Lastly, Hoseok had a very good 'me' time. He had snuck out from the dorms at 4 in the morning and had gone to the rooftop. He had sat there with his knees to his chest and rested his head on his knees. He looked at the beautiful sunrise. It was so magnificent. It was like something right out of pictures.

He had just looked at it with his mouth agape and eyes wide. He went back to the dorms when the sun was too hot. It was already 9 and when he entered the dorms. He had made breakfast for the members that day and he was still star-struck by the scene by the end of the day. After that the other days were spent with him going to gym and practicing his dance.

"Hoseok!" The staff member shouted and Hoseok stood up from his seat. He went towards the staff member. He turned his back at him while he connected Hoseok's mic setup. After it was done, another staff member escorted him towards the lift that would raise them towards the stage. The members were already in the position.

"Okay guys, just don't be nervous and concentrate. Put a smile on your faces." Namjoon said and everyone smiled. Namjoon then put forward his hand and everyone put their hands on top of Namjoon's. They all shouted Bangtan and put their hands down. They got in their positions again and then they were lifted up on the stage.


"You all did so great! Keep up the good work." Namjoon said once they went backstage and their comeback stage had finished. They all bowed at the backstage dancers and Hoseok even hugged each of the dancers.

They all went to the refreshing room and they all changed their outfits. They also thanked the staff members and then went to their van. They reached their dorms when Namjoon received a call.

"Oh, it's Bang PD. You guys go inside." Namjoon said the members nodded and they went to their dorm. Hoseok changed into his comfortable pyjamas when he heard a knock on his door.

"Seok." He heard. He opened the door and saw Jin standing there smiling at him.

"Seok, Bang PD said to pack your bags as we will be going to U.S tomorrow also he called you and Yoongi to his office." Jin said and Hoseok nodded. Then Jin went away and Hoseok closed the door. He grabbed his over coat and didn't bother changing his pyjamas as the members would all go in PJ's if they've been called late at night also because he was sleepy and wanted to just go to sleep once he comes back.

Hoseok was buttoning up the coat when another knock interrupted him. He went towards the door and opened it. He was greeted by Yoongi whose eyes were half closed and he reeked of alcohol.

"Oh my God, Yoongi!" Hoseok said and immediately closed his nose by his hands.

"Are you drunk? Why did you drink?" Hoseok asked Yoongi who was still wearing his clothes from before but his shirt was ripped from above which showed is chest. His neck was covered with marks.

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