Chapter 33: Yoongi!!

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[Not proof read. Please ignore the mistakes or correct me. I hope you enjoy this chapter!! There is a lot of fluff.]


Hoseok smiled and his tears escaped his eyes and fell on his cheeks. Hoseok grabbed his face and pinched it a couple of times.

"Ow! Baby." The pinched man let out and then wrapped his hands around Hoseok's wrists.

"Hoseok?" Jimin groaned and then sat up he too looked at the the man and he gasped.

"Yoongi? Is it really you?" Jimin said. Yoongi smiled at Jimin who also had tears in his eyes.

"I missed you Alpha and Omega." Yoongi said and caressed Hoseok's wrists.

"I can't believe it. How? When?" Hoseok asked.


"Wait. Let's cuddle while talking. My muscles ache so much and I can't even sit here because it is too much and I am sure Hoseok here has much worst." Jimin said. The other two nodded and then they laid down with Hoseok in the middle as Yoongi spooned him from behind.

Yoongi put his hands back on his back and resumed the massaging.

"Why are you doing this?" Hoseok asked.

"Because your muscles would aching right now and I had read online that massaging helps to undo all the knots." He replied.

"Then Jimin should be getting on too."

"Oh don't you worry. I will make him do much more for making me suffer so much." Jimin said smirking and Yoongi blushed while Hoseok giggled.

"Anyways, how did you wake up? And why did you go in your head space?"

"Well, what happened was, I had never anticipated my father to do that. I was already panicking because he was angry by his face and he was coming close to me. I knew what was gonna happen but I didn't want to accept that. I had pride in the love of my parents which they had showered upon me all my life till now." Yoongi replied.

"I had woken up like before a few hours. I was woken up by Jimin kissing me. Then I had saw you depart out of the room. I could smell a bit of heat mixed with air freshener and both of your's scent so I remained in here thinking that Hobi was still in heat. But when I heard nothing just complete silence, I got up and came here."

"How are you?" Hoseok asked and it consumed the trio in a thick silence.

"I guess I am fine? When I was in my head space, I could hear you both. I could see you all. But, it was like getting paralysed. You can do nothing but just lay down there while the world went on. It was pure torture. To not wrap my arms around any of you while you both cuddled me. I tried to come back out but I think my mind was too afraid of the events that had took place that whenever I tried to come out, the events would restart and I would succumb back to the darkness." Hoseok could feel his neck getting wet but he didn't say anything. Yoongi stopped massaging him and instead, he was rubbing his belly softly.

"How are you both?"

"Very much affected. If I am being honest, then my ego was hurt. She had ashamed me as an Alpha. She had also said mean things about hobi. But, I have thought about it alot and I have came to a conclusion that we should take a break."

When Jimin said this, the pair widened their eyes and looked at Jimin with shock.

"I am sorry, but how can we fix each other when we ourselves are broken? How can we expect us to love each other when we don't love ourselves? This all shouldn't have happened if we had confidence in our selves. We should love ourselves enough so that in future, if we are faced by the same hatred, at least we would have trust in ourselves." Jimin paused and the trio intertwined their hands with each other.

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