Chapter 21: Nightmare

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[Not Proof read]

"Boys, tomorrow, you will go on an interview. It is an interview with Stephan Colbert. He is very famous. So, sleep early today and gain as much energy as possible because I want you all active tomorrow at the interview. Also, there will be some Backstage filming so again, don't be so intimate with each other or else it would be caught on camera." The manager instructed and the members all nodded their heads. 

After the concert, they were very tired. Some were leaning against others shoulders to stable themselves. The manager smiled at them and then patted their heads one by one.

"I know you all tired, but this sacrifice today, will be a ticket to many things in the future. Now, leave so that you all reach the hotel and then sleep. Ok?" The manager said and they all nodded.

The first one to leave the backstage was Namjoon and Jin. Jin was leaning onto Namjoon who was patting his head and they were whispering somethings which made them giggle but as they were too quiet, no one knew what they were talking about.

The next was Taehyung and Hoseok. Taehyung was leaning against Hoseok as he kept a tight grip around Taehyung who was close to passing out. The next was Jungkook who was carrying his camera bag and other things of the members. The last was Yoongi and Jimin who walked side by side holding each other's hands.

They all sat in the van and made their way towards the hotel. On the way, Taehyung passed out along with Hoseok. Jin and Namjoon were just talking. Jungkook was going through twitter and looking at all the tweets of armies. He smirked when he noticed that the internet was going crazy because of the Dimple choreography that they had introduced in the concert.

Yoongi and Jimin were just dosing off.

"Guys, we're here." The driver said. Yoongi was the first one who left the van followed by Jimin. Soon, the members were on the elevator and going up to their dorm.

"Guys, the armies are literally going berserk over our new choreography!" Jungkook said happily. Jimin smirked and flipped his non existent hairs.

"After all it was created by the dance god itself!" Jimin said and all of the members bursted out laughing.

"Yah! I also helped you!" Hoseok shouted at Jimin and Jimin put a hand on his waist.

"I know baby." Jimin said whispering close to his face. Hoseok blushed as hot air hit his face.

"Keep the PDA for your bedrooms!" Jungkook shouted as the elevators dinged and he went away. His arms folded and he was stomping. The members frowned at his actions as he would always tease the trio whenever they would kiss or show affection towards their partners in front of him. Jungkook opened the room door and went in leaving the door wide open for Taehyung.

"What happened to him?" Namjoon asked as they all exited the elevator and entered the hotel's hallway. Taehyung sighed and looked down.

"He is just angry that a back up dancer flirted with me and I didn't push him away." Taehyung said.

"Well, then his attitude is alright." Jin said and looked at Taehyung.

"Hyung, how can I push the dancer away? He would cause a scene if I would've." Taehyung said.

"Tae, you should go and make up with him. We don't want a sad and upset Jungkook in the interview tomorrow." Namjoon said. Taehyung nodded and went to his room looking down.

"Well, are off to our room too. See you tomorrow!" Yoongi said and quickly opened their own room. Jimin and Hoseok chuckled at him.

"Bye Joonie and Jinnie-hyung!" Hoseok said and hugged both of them. He then went to his own room following Jimin.

"Guys, I wanna be in the middle for today." Yoongi said as he saw his two boyfriends entering. He was already changed and laying in the middle with his hands intertwined over his stomach.

"Why?" Jimin asked as he sat beside him. Hoseok went towards the wardrobe to take out his night suit.

"Because I am not feeling well." Yoongi said. Jimin frowned at him and looked at Hoseok, both of them sharing a concerned look.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked as he sat on the other side of Yoongi holding a roll that he had made of his clothes in his hands.

"Oh, just umm... Nothing." Yoongi said looking at the ceiling.

"Tell us Yoongs." Hoseok said keeping a hand on his hand. Yoongi's eyes brimmed with tears.

"I have night mares." Yoongi whispered. It was too small that the two males wouldn't have heard but they did as the room was very silent.

"What type of night mares babe?" Jimin asked. Yoongi sniffled and shook his head.

"Why don't you both change then I will tell you." Yoongi said removing a tear that had fallen down. The two males nodded and hurried to change their clothes.


"What type of Night mare Yoongs?" Jimin asked as they all were now cuddling. Jimin had his hand around Yoongi. Hoseok also had his hand around Yoongi.

"I always have a dream that their are my parents standing in front of me. I have spoke something but the voice was not hearable. I looked at them in the eyes, they were very angry. Beyond the limits. I could see in their eyes. You and Hoseok were by my side but not by my side, like I could feel you both in the room." Yoongi sniffled.

"I always wake up when my mother slaps me. I don't know why she does it. The voices are always blurred. But I can see their anger and I have that gut feeling that you both are there but not by my side like in the room. Whenever I wake up, I feel that pain again as if it had happened in reality. I am afraid of it." Yoongi said. His voice cracked at the end.

"Yoongs. What ever it is, we will always be with you." Jimin said and Hoseok hummed. Their holds tightening on Yoongi's waist.

"You should tell us everything Yoongi and not hide anything from us." Hoseok said.

"Yes, whether it is the most lamest thing or the most important thing, tell us, we will listen. We are in this together. In a relationship, you are supposed to rely on your partner for everything. Even emotionally." Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

"I am sorry I hid it from you both." Yoongi said.

"No need. I love you both." Hoseok said and kissed Yoongi's cheek and then kissing Jimin's cheek too.

"I love you both too." Jimin said and repeating Hoseok's actions.

"I love you both three." Yoongi said and the trio giggled at that. They then made themselves comfortable on the bed and let their eyes get close and drift off to the sweet sweet dreamland.


It was a short chapter because I wanted to write this scene as it will be very useful in the future. Also EARLY UPDATE!!!

That is because  I am too happy because my crush said I am his best friend in front of the whole class!!! Literally, we even talked to each other cuz we stan BTS :)

I am so so so happy!! Also because there are many votes and thank you guys for the love.

Also go and read my other YoonMinSeok Story. It's called Color Blind.

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