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London POV

There was a tap on my desk and a voice from in front of me

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There was a tap on my desk and a voice from in front of me.
"London Jae ! Wake up!" I looked up & my best friend Alexis was in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Oh sh*t. I fell asleep again?"
"Yes girl. This been going on for the past week ! D*mn. You need some sleep boo."

"I've been up studying 24/7."
Alexis busted out laughing "girl studying is keeping you up? Not even a nigga? Sh*ttttt. Thats beyond me !"

I laughed "Girl you silly. I gotta get home or my mama gon be mad I was late again. Byeee!"
"Bye London !"

I ran outside to my mama car. She was blasting lil baby. I swear ever since I told her about him she won't stop.
"Mom can you turn that down? D*mn."
"London you so lame." She laughed and turnt the music down.
"How was school Nunu?"
"It was good I guess.."
"You just wake up?" She said while looking at the sleep marks on my face.

"Yup. Studying.."
"At least you stayed up doing something productive, but still pooh...you gotta get some sleep boo."
"I know mama , but these tests be having me stressed."
"Girl trust me I know. I was a teenager once too. Now come on let's go home and eat. I'm starving."

My mom is so understanding I love her. She's like my best friend for real. My ride or die honestly .

We got to the house & pulled up & there was a new family moving in next to us.
"Who is that?"
"I don't know , but let's go introduce ourselves!" My mom said
"Girl what?! I'm not doing that-"
She cut me off
"Come on London! Don't be rude."

We got out of the car & went to go say hi. My mom approached a lady and went to say hi.
"Hi ! I'm Kiana. You must be our new neighbors."
The lady smiled , "Hi. I'm Tisha it's nice to meet you too. These are my kids Antwan & Amari & my husband Kevin."

Two teenagers around my age walked behind the mom and smiled. There was a girl and she was extremely pretty like sh*t I felt intimidated & then a nice looking dark skin boy bit his lip and smiled at me. He was fineeeeeeeeee.


"Nice to meet y'all

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"Nice to meet y'all. This is my daughter London & my youngest baby girl Leah & my son Kai is in the house with my husband, but it was nice to meet you all."
"It was nice to meet y'all too." They all smiled and got back to unpacking.

Lorddddd ! That boy was fine . Like Yeesh & he my new neighbor? Period !
I walked in the house & my baby sister Leah ran up to me .
"Lon Lon !"
"Hi babyyy!" She gave me a long hug

"Hey daddy!"
"Wassup Youngin."
My dad talk like he still young . Which I mean.. his is only 33 so I guess he can..
"Lee we met a nice family out there."
"Dats wassup" my dad said while playing the game with my brother Kai.
"He not listening mama"
"Girl I see, but anyways I think you should go take this dish over to the family."
"I- mamaaaaaa ! Why can't Kai do it ?! I already met them."
"London I don't care girl. Go take it."

I sighed & rolled my eyes . I picked up the dish and walked over to their house. I rang the doorbell and the fine Boy Antwan answered it.

"Oh hey..my mama wanted me to uhm..bring this dish over to y'all. I know it's corny as sh*t but ..here you go."
He smiled & took the dish from me.
"My mama gon love it. Tell ya ma I said thank you tho."
"Yea no problem." I walked back over to my house & walked inside.

"See? Wasn't so hard was it?"
I rolled my eyes. She had no idea.

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