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London POV
I wasn't feeling good the morning I woke up & just didn't wanna be bothered by nobody or nothing. Anything could set me off fr. Antwan's loud self was laying next to me & was snoring loud as ever . I turned over and picked up my phone to see that somebody sent me Amari's post through snap . She was talking stuff about me .. per usual. She posted something saying
"That b!tch scary asf . Talking about she gon whoop my ass this and that & im STILL untouched. She not gon whoop NOTHIN & that's on period."
I shook my head. She got so much mouth to talk but couldn't even use the @ button? How yo own "friend" have to send me the post for me to see it? Goofy. I turned my phone off & put it back down . I'd deal with her later .
I was bouta get 5 more minutes of sleep in , but instead one of the twins were crying . I was gon Wake Antwan up to ask him to deal with them for me , but I knew he wasn't gon do it. So , I got up & walked to the twins room. Of course it was Mekai.
I picked him up and tried to rock him back to sleep.
"Pooh you knew mommy was up? Huh? That's why you was crying?" He yawned and started to fall back asleep again. Thank God Milan didn't wake up when Mekai did , because that would just be too much. Mekai fell back asleep and I laid him back down in his crib .
I went back to the room to lay back down , but Antwan was taking up half the bed .. like fr ?
"Can you move over ? You taking up the bed like you the only one laying in it."
He sighed & moved over just enough for me to put my ass cheek on the bed. ONE cheek.
"Nigga literally .. move." I was bouta yell cuz I was getting frustrated but I couldn't because my throat was hurting.
He wasn't budging at all.
So I hit him "Antwan. Please move" he looked at me & rolled his eyes and moved over .
I laid down and put the cover back over me & got some extra sleep before I started my day.
I woke up around 11 & got up to go brush my teeth and do allat hygiene. I was going to go see my parents today , because we really haven't been talking for awhile and I missed them fr. I got dressed and went downstairs to put my shoes on.
"Where you bouta go?" Antwan said while looking at me from the couch.
"I told you That's I was going to see my parents.."
"Aw sh!t I forgot you said that."
"Mhm Yea. Can you watch Mekai and Milani?"
"I gotchu"
I walked over to him & gave him a kiss , "I love you & I'll see you later."
"I love you too"
I grabbed my car keys and drove over to my parents house. I got out and seen another car was parked in the driveway so I had to park on the street. I got out the car , shut my door & walked up to my parents house. My mom opened the door & smiled real big. I walked in and gave her a hug
"Hey baby!"
"Hey mama"
"I've missed you Tink"
"I've missed you too..where everybody at?"
"Maya is at her lil birthday party , your dad is in the living room & Kai is in there too with his girlfriend..."
"Girl friend? I thought him and that girl broke up a while ago.."
"They did...you not gon like this one."
I raised an eyebrow and walked in. When I walked in I seen Kai , My dad .............and Amari. I know dang well my brother is not dating this b!tch .
She looked at me & smiled & I flicked her off cuz girl ion mess with you .
"What yo problem is?" Kai said while giving me a stank face
"My problem is you dating this b!tch !"
"Bae you just gon let her talk to me like that?" Amari said while looking at Kai.
"B!tch I'll talk to you any way I want to cuz you not gon do nothing bout it."
"Stop talkin to her like that. Deadass yo.. you tweakin"
"I'm tweakin? Nigga you fake as f*ck ! Literally."
"You can shut allat up London." Amari said while crossing her arms.

At this point my parents were just quiet asf. My dad was deadass laughing at the whole thing 💀.
"Who was even talking to you?"
"Girl bye I'm not bouta argue with to scary ass."
"Only reason I wasn't fighting you was because yo brother was tryna protect yo dumbass but he not even here right now. So ima really whoop that ass."
"B!tch wassup then?!"
"Y'all bouts take y'all asses outside tryna fight in my house!" My mom said
"Let's go hoe." We walked outside so I took my shoes and hoops off & put my hair in a bun. Been waiting to fight this hoe for a whileeee !
We squared up and I ain't gon lie her ugly ass got one hit in but after that I was giving sis straight licks . Back to backkkk ! All my hits connected. Left ole girl nose bleeding. I was gon stump her out but I ain't need to go to jail. LMFAOO I got kids to take care of 💀💀.
"And that's what u get for talking allat stuff Amari. Yo ass tried to fight me cuz I'm dating yo brother?! B!tch you so stuck on his d!ck like YOU wanna be with him..dang."
"This not over hoe!"
"Girl I'm ready for multiple rounds ANY day of the week. You know that." I put my shoes back on and my hoops back in my ears.
"Family it was nice seeing y'all again except you Kai. It's f*ck you for now. Bye ! Love y'all"
I got back in my car & drove off. All I wanted to do was spend quality time with my family but instead I fought a hoe. Story of my mfkin life lmao.
When I got back Antwan was holding twins. Whewww ! My heart almost melted.
"Hey stink."
"Wassupp..why you look wore out?"
"I just beat yo sister up."
"What the fuckkk did I tell you?"
"I know baby , but she was talking mad stuff and I was already by her.. wasn't no point in waiting time. She got what she deserved."
"You deadass crazy" he said while laughing
"I get it from you duhhh ! I'm yo lil thug baby you know that." He smiled and shook his head
"And that's on that"

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