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London POV
"Girl Antwan really just poured his heart out to me. Like what the f*ck?" I said to Alexis over the phone. She was still at the store and I had to tell somebody so..

"I knew he was gon come back once he Knew Kash was out the picture. Look I wasn't for Antwan at first but y'all belong together I don't care."

"Ion even know girl. This is stressing me outtt."
"You don't need nothing to be stressing you out right now. That's not good for the baby.."
"I know but what do you expect me to do? He just said that and expected me to stay calm? That boy know how I feel about him-"
"Wait hollup.. girl how you feel about him? Please inform me."

"I mean.. I love him. Like a lot .. I know niggas gon call me dumb for loving a nigga who did me dirty , but that's my baby & like yea I said f*ck him here and there and I meant it for awhile but now I just want him back."
"B!tch..Whew. I mean the smart b!tch in me would say leave that nigga alone, but the dumb , romantic hoe in me is saying get yo nigga back and raise y'all child together."

"Ion know how that's gon go again. Like yea relationships go through bumps & stuff but ours went through a whole earthquake so-"
"Don't think about the past pooh. If you really love somebody you'll let all that sh!t go & keep moving forward."
"Ooh ! Look at you sounding all inspirational."
She chuckled , "Girl bye. But I'm for real! Get yo nigga and live y'all best life."

"Bet that up." I hung up and put my phone down
I know it's not gon be easy but if it means I got my baby back then.. ion even care

& tbh.. I ain't mess with Kash as hard as I messed with antwan..
- Next day
"So girl you gon call him or what?" Alexis said while looking at me like she was fed up
"Ion know. I'm scared .. wonder if he don't even wanna f*ck with me no more."
"Girl he just said he'd wait for you as long as he got to like 2 days ago I know he ain't stop waiting already."
"Wonder if Kash think the only reason I broke up with him."
"Girl who cares what Kash think. Y'all were cute I guess but Kash was still hoeing while y'all was together. He plays females. Everybody knows."
I ain't even know that. Every body knew but me. Girl I- ..
"So like I said. You better call him..cuz if you don't . I'll do it for you."
"Fine. Get out the room tho."
"Oooh ! Y'all bouta get freaky on the phone sus?"
"Girl goodbye !" She walked out & shut the door behind her . I pulled out my phone & called Antwan.

"Hey Twan"
"Wassup shordy"
"I gotta talk to you."
"aight. What about?"
"I think we should try again.. for the baby's sake."
He laughed "You sure it's just for the baby's sake? And not you wanting to get back with me?"
"You know the answer to that, but anyways I want what we had before everything exploded in my face. Cuz I love you Antwan.. You might get on my nerves 24/7 but that don't make me stop loving you."
"I love you too London. We gon make this work. Aight?"
"Aight.." I hung up & put my phone back down.

Bihhhh ..
I got my nigga back .
Ha !
He try some stupid sh!t he won't be seeing me OR his child LMFAO . Oops

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