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London POV
-3 weeks later
"London! Get in here! NOW!" My mom yelled from the bathroom. I got up and walked to the bathroom.
"Explain." She was holding up a pregnancy test. I knew I was dead..

So basically me and Twan been f*cking with each other on a daily. We kinda together but we kinda not? And I wasn't feeling well one day so I went to take a pregnancy test or whatever ...it was positive. I haven't told Twan yet , because ion know how he gon feel about it.

"Mom I can explain-"
"That's what I'm waiting for !" She slammed the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.
"London...you pregnant?"
I sighed "yes.."
She started laughing. Not because it was funny , but because she was about to go off on my dumb a**."
"Who is the dad?"

This part I was really about to lie about and say I didn't know , because my mom didn't know that me and Twan were dating. Or seeing each other at All.

"ANTWAN?! I KNOW You f*ckin lying !"
"Mom I'm sorry really.."
"Why didn't you tell me y'all were ..doing it?"
"Cuz mom! I felt uncomfortable talking about it.."
"Well..you need to tell Antwan.."
"I know..I'll have him come over.."
"Okay. We'll talk to your dad later."

I called Twan and waited for him to answer
"Hey Twan.."
"Wassup mama?"
"We gotta talk. Can you come over?"
"Yea..everything aight?"
"Just..come over. Please?"
"Aight ima be there in 5."

-5 minutes later

Twan came in my room & sat on my bed.
"Ya ma seem mad everything okay?"
"I'm pregnant , and it's yours." I blurted out.

He started laughing "Nah you f*ckin with me."
I stayed quiet.
"You ARE f*ckin with me right?"
"No Antwan..I'm not.."
"This sh*t ridiculous."
"I mean what'd you expect? When we be having sex it's not like we use protection. Right?"
"Ion know what to say...this gon mess everything up London."
"I know...and I'm sorry. I know you got a scholarship to play basketball and stuff. I'm sorry Twan I didn't-"
"London this not just on you. We both played a part in this. Aight? Don't put this on yourself..ima go home & tell my parents uhm...talk to yo mom & dad."
"Okay..." I sighed
"I love you" he said while giving me a kiss
"I love you too."

After Twan left I went to talk to my mom & dad.

My mom & dad sat in front of me with their arms crossed.
"Listen...I'm not mad. Just disappointed?" My dad said
"You not mad?! What you mean?!" My mom said
"Chill out. Aight? We can't be mad at her...that'd make us hypocrites, because we had the kids at a very young age also."
"Listen...I don't care . I'm pissed the f*ck off. First to brother! Now you?! This sh*t ridiculous London...I'm mad , disappointed and sad you didn't feel like you could talk to me about it."
"Mama I'm sorry I really am I-"
"I'm going to sleep."

My dad gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked upstairs with my mom.
I called Alexis and asked her to come over because I really didn't wanna go through this alone. She sat on my bed with me and held my hand.
"Pregnant besties?" She said while laughing
I know it's not funny but I couldn't do nothing but laugh. She always find a way to make me smile.

This gon be tough but it's gon happen either way.

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