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London POV

"Bye Mama ! Gotta go to school !""Bye Pooh!"

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"Bye Mama ! Gotta go to school !"
"Bye Pooh!"

I got out and seen my neighbors . Amari seen me and waved "Hey boo!" She said while smiling
They must have money because her and Antwan got in two totally different cars. Like NICE cars.
I was about to start walking , but Antwan rolled his window down
"Ayoo ! Come ride with me!"
"Nah it's cool!"
He smacked his lips "I ain't ask. Let's go!"
I sighed and walked up to his car and got it.

He turned on his music and sped to the school. We barely talked the whole time we were in the car.

"So you gon show me around when we get in here?"
"Ion know...should I?"
He laughed
"yea. You should. I'm from Jersey & ion know sh*t bout Georgia."
"Aight I gotchu. Let's go." We got out of the car & walked inside the school.

I showed him around the school & he was actually really funny. There was never a dull moment with him.
"Aight so that's it. Need anything else?"
"Yo number." I smiled & looked down
"You for real?"
"h*ll yea." I sighed & took his phone & put my number in it.
He smiled & started to walk away "bye shordy"
"Bye Antwan!" I smiled and walked to my class. I swear that boy is something else.
London POV
"Hey London!" Amari said
"Hey girl! How's the first day going?"
"It's alright. Everybody here is nicer than the people at my old school in Jersey."
"Well that's good. I hope you have a great rest of yo day boo."
"Thanks girl I'll try" she smiled and walked away.

It's like they whole family just nice asf.
"Lexissss !" I said while running up to Alexis
"Hey." She was looking down.
"What's wrong pooh?"
She sighed and whispered
"London I'm pregnant."
"What?! For real? Who's the dad?"
She looked at me with a face of pity.

"It's Kai..."
"Like MY brother KAI?!"
"Please don't be so loud!"
"Alexis why didn't you tell me y'all was together?"
"Cuz we're not. He invited me to one of his lil college parties and we both got drunk. Then one thing led to another & now I'm pregnant."

I sighed "Alexis how we even know the baby is Kai's?"
She gave me a disgusted look
"London I have not been with ANYONE else.."
"I know..I'm sorry it's just a lot at once Lex."
"Can you tell him for me?"
"Huh?! I feel like that's your place.."
"Please? I don't wanna see him..."
I sighed "fine."
"Thank you so much London I love you."
"Love you too."

Lordddddd .

My dad came to get me & I got In the car.
"Hey pops"
"Hey dooda butt"
I sighed & shook my head. My dad knows I absolutely hate when he calls me that childish a** name.
"Boy bye. You so lame."
He laughed "How was school youngin?"
"What's the deal?"
"Kai got Alexis pregnant.."
"I know you f*ckin lying."
"Yo mama gon tear dat a** upppp!"
"Fasho. Kai don't even know yet. Can you tell him?"
"I gotchu."

We walked in the house & I went straight up to my room so I wasn't apart of this.

We walked in the house & I went straight up to my room so I wasn't apart of this

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Looks like I got plans now.
I walked downstairs and my mama was speaking in Spanish to Kai. She always do that when she get mad. The true Latina pops out.
She go from English to Spanish real quick 😂 !

"Kai are you f*cking stupid?! Getting a girl pregnant ? You can barely survive on your own two feet papi! I can't believe you..."

"Ma I was drunk ! We was both tipsy. I sweaaar ! I'm sorry yo.."
"Drunk or not boo .. you still had unprotected sex with her ! Now you're about to be a father..lord.." she put her palm to her head and sighed.
"Lee talk to your son. I've had enough.."
My dad sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Bye y'all. I'm going over to the neighbors house!"
"For what?" My mom said
"To spend time with my new friend.."
"Aww ! You're friends with Amari now? Yay!" My mom said
Little did she know...

I walked next door and texted Antwan that I was outside. He came to the door to open it. He grabbed my hand and we went up to his room.
"So what we bouta do?" I asked
"Sh*t ion know.."
I laughed , "so you told me to come over here without a plan?"
"I always wing it."
"Well...what's stopping you now?"
He laughed and shook his head
"Only if you knew what I really wanted to do."
I smiled & but my lip cuz this nigga really had me blushing like wtf...
"Shiid..do it then."
He smiled and leaned down a little bit and kissed me. I leaned back on the bed and he leaned forward even more ....not gon go into details but just knowwwww

Ya good sis London got some D . Period .

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