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London POV
Amari called me on the phone which was kinda strange since we barely talk like that..

"Hey London..I gotta talk to you."
"Hey Mari..Wassup?"
"It's about Antwan. I just want you to know that you needa really keep an eye on him sis."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"He's known for cheating...and I know that you forgave him so quick and I just want you to be careful , because he really is a player."
"You not just saying this to try & break up up...right?"
"Girl no. If I didn't want y'all together then y'all wouldn't be together..I'm just tryna help another sis out because I know how my brother get down. Trust me or not ion care." Then she hung up..

I swear Twan better not be on that bull ..I didn't get back with him just to break up again...ughhh I swear this relationship sh*t is so stressful. This ain't for meeee !
"London come here!" My mom called from downstairs
"Have you been thinking about the baby? At all?..."

I really try not to think about the baby.. that's the last thing on my mind .
"Well ma..I just don't try & think about being a teen mom. It's not really ideal."
"I understand boo , but at the same time that baby needs to be your first priority..you're gonna be a mom soon whether-"
"Whether I like it or not . I know , I knowww!"
"Don't cut me off lil girl. I'm just speaking facts..just be responsible. Okay?"
"Okay mom. Thank you sooo much for the lecture."

She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"You get that sarcastic sh*t from ya father."

She not wrong . 🤷🏾‍♀️

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