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London POV
I was sitting in class writing my notes and continued getting stared at by everybody. Prolly cuz the rumor that I cheated on Antwan was still floating around .
Girls were looking at me laughing. They must've forgot who I really am. They only doing all this talking cuz I'm pregnant. 🤦🏽‍♀️
One girl was talking to her friend behind me saying lil remarks here and there thinking I wasn't gon say nothing. She was wrong cuz I most definitely don't know how to keep my mouth closed and stop myself from hurting feelings.

"You must think you bold saying stuff behind my back. Right?" I said while turning around to look at them.
"I didn't-"
"Save that sh!t for somebody who cares. Now look you've  been saying some slick sh!t and I let it slide but now y'all pissing me off. Talking about how I cheated on my nigga this and that when sh!t not even true."
"Well Amari said it was and she would know since it's her brother-"
"Who said it was??"
"Oh that b!tch got me f*cked up."
When class was over we went to lunch and me & Alexis were sitting down by each other and some other people.
"Girl you've been shaking yo leg since we sat down.. what's wrong?"
"It was Amari's dumb self that told everybody I cheated on Antwan. Why the f*ck would she do something like that?"
"Cuz Girl. Ion even think she wanted you messing with her brother , and now that you bouta have his baby.. she going haywire."
"I cannot wait u til I pop this baby out bruh. I'm fighting everybody." She laughed and kept  eating.
"Why don't you just go talk to Antwan?"
"As of right now ion wanna talk to nobody. I'm pissed off. Like deadass." For the rest of Lunch I just put my earbuds in and ain't say nothing to nobody .
-after school
I walked out to my car , but before I got in Antwan ran up to me. "Hollup Baby!"
He made it over to my car & stood in front of me , "What?" I asked getting irritated.
"I'm sorry about not believing you. I should've trusted to word & I didn't. Alexis told me what Amari did & im deadass sorry."
"It's fine. I'm just glad you actually believe me."
"And don't even worry about Amari. She do this with any girl that tried  to get with me or that I was with in the past."
"What spread rumors?"
"Just trying to mess up my relationship period, but I'm not gon let her do that with us."
He smirked and gave me a kiss , "I love you"
"I love you too" I opened my door , got in my car and drove off. Thankfully everything got cleared up.
All I wanted was for Antwan to believe me I ain't care about nobody else. Amari always gave me weird vibes anyway . I'm not even that surprised that she was the one to spread that childish ass rumor.

When I got home I went up to the bathroom and got in the shower. As I started to wash up I felt something drip down my leg.
"Please be the shower water.."
It wasn't .
I hopped out the shower and called out to Alexis.
"LEXXX !" She ran in and looked at me
"What's the problem?"
"My water broke."
"Oh my Gosh..."
Her slow self just stood there until she actually caught on..
"Okay get dressed & ima go get the bag and wait for you downstairs." She ran out the room & I rushed to get my clothes on. I put them on and went downstairs. Alexis helped me into the car and then we drove to the hospital.
I pulled out my phone & called Antwan
I was breathing mad heavy
"The babies are coming."
"Huh? Coming where?"
"OHHH !"
"Please just come to the hospital Antwan.."
"Ima be there."
I hung up and shook my head . He's not the brightest.
We got to the hospital and ran inside. The doctor rushed me into the room & I changed and got on the bed.
After 10 minutes of me being there , Antwan showed up . Sweating and all.
He ran in and sat on the side of me holding my hand
"You straight?"
"I'm good Twan.. but are you? You Look like you just ran a whole ass marathon. Sweating and sh!t." He laughed and wiped the sweat with his other hand.

"Alright London.. looks like the babies are ready to come. Im just going to need you to try and stay calm and follow everything I say. Okay?" The doctor said while trying to calm me down
I took a deep breath and nodded "okay."
Antwan leaned down and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "You got this Baby.."
He held my hand as I was about to push.
I was scared as a b!tch...

"3...." I pushed , and pushed , pushed and finally one of my babies came out. It was the boy.. he was mad handsome.
Then the doctor told me to push even more and so I did & after hellaaaaa pushing. My daughter came out.

Antwan's Iil baby ass was on the side crying while holding our son. We named them
Mekhi (ma-k-eye)and Milan(Ma-Lawn). We thought It'd be cute if the first letter matched . Corny sh!t but it was cute .
Antwan looked at me and smiled ,
"I love you.. I really do" had my ass about to cry and sh!t fr.
"I love you more stink"
Never in a millionnnn years would I have thought I would've been a mom so early , Having 2 kids at the age of 18 wasn't ideal , but I wouldn't trade this for the world.

Ion know how ima deal with having 2 kids lmao , but whatever happens just happens.
I really got kids.. LMFAO that shit is crazyyyy ! 🤣

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