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Valka's POV

This is Berk. Where you either kill or are killed. I wish with my entire heart that that wasn't the case because this war is nonsense. I've seen what dragons are truly capable of. Sure, they can breathe fire and kill without a second's hesitation, but they are as much capable of peace as we are. However, that is not a popular opinion. I mean, honestly, how hard can it be to make room for the idea that these are not creatures of war. That dragons are not cold-blooded, killers. And what I mean by my opinion being unpopular, is that I'm literally the only one with that opinion. And of course, we Vikings have serious stubbornness issues.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a blast of fire hitting not more than a metre in front of me. Right. The raid, I thought to myself as I searched the battlefield of a village. My gaze catches on the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen inches away from being slaughtered. I swing my sword in between th dragon and the axe of the Viking at the last second. He glares at me angrily as the Stormcutter flies away. Ugh! Why can't they just listen to me?

I groan internally at my exhaustion. I come out here night after night, trying to save as many dragons as possible from the disagreeable creatures called humans. It's not like anyone else has ever tried to see past the wild creature on the surface to the compassionate soul beneath. 

Well, I'll just have to teach my son that there is a gentler side to these creatures than meets the eye. At least, he'll be able to make a difference once he's made chief. 

I walk up to my husband. "Val, go back inside. You're in danger while you're out here," he said in concern while glancing at the raid.  

"No, Stoick. I need to be out here!" I shouted. "If you would just listen you would see that the dragons are magnificent creatures!" I gestured vibrantly to the dragons overhead.  

"Please, Val. I don't know what I would do without you. I don't want our son to be without a mother either," he begged me, but I was already shaking my head.

"No," I said yet again before immediately running off, not wanting to deal with his nonsense when I could be saving lives. Why doesn't he understand? I found myself thinking.

By the time the raid was over, I managed to save the lives of seven more dragons, getting more than a few glares from the other Vikings from my village. The sun was starting to rise when the raid finally ceased. And with the end of the raid came a break from saving dragons, allowing me to return to my son back home. 

I entered my hut, my tired legs moving to the crib where my son, Hiccup, was crying. I smiled at him warmly as I picked him up, rocking him in my arms as I started to sing. My smile widened as just like every other time, he fell asleep again. I placed a kiss on his forehead before placing him in his crib again and going to bed for the day.

Stoick's POV

When the raid started, Val had put Hiccup in his crib, sprinting out of our house before I could even think of stopping her. What was she thinking? Of course, I knew what she was thinking, but I didn't understand why she wanted to save such savage beasts. I mean, really! These BEASTS kill hundreds of us, they steal our food, and they NEVER leave us alone! But, by the Gods, I love that fiery Valkyrie.

There was nothing truly extraordinary about this raid. I shouted orders to the Berkians, trying to create a bit of order in the otherwise chaotic raid. Valka continued to ignore those orders, creating more chaos wherever she went. The other Vikings went around killing dragons while doing their best to protect the livestock. Valka would run over to Vikings about to kill dragons and stop them. By the end of the raid, the majority of our fish and sheep would be gone, courtesy of the dragons. Gobber, the village blacksmith, sharpened and repaired our weapons as the raid wore on. All in all, it was a completely normal raid. Nothing out of the ordinary. No one even spotted a Night Fury. It was a small mercy.

When I got home, Valka had just finished putting Hiccup back to sleep. I was ready to go to bed. Although, I wish I had been able to figure out who or what kept stealing our fish for the past two months. Between that and the raids, we were running dangerously low on fish. I wasn't sure if we would be able to make it through the winter if whatever it was keeps it up.

Lagoon's POV

13 months ago

The raid was kinda fun if I was being honest. I was flying around, creating distractions while driving the Scaleless crazy, when I felt a sudden twinge in my stomach. I sighed in relief at the deep cave that I found. It provided a perfect hiding spot for me and my eggs. I was also thankful for the large water source just outside. Unfortunately, the island I was on was full of dragon-hating Scaleless. I paced worriedly as I thought about what species they hated the most, Night Furies. My species and the species of my children. It scared me. And I could only think of how I might not be able to keep them safe. Sure, we were hidden, for now. But for how long could that last?

2 months ago

I had been out hunting when an overwhelming instinct told me that I needed to get back to the cave. I knew, without even a hint of doubt, that my eggs were about to hatch, and I needed to be there for them. 

When I arrived at my cave. I saw that one of the eggs already had a crack running down the length of it. I was so excited to see my babies, but I also knew that the next five years would be the most dangerous time of their entire lives. I knew my children wouldn't be able to fly long enough distances to get them back to their proper home until, at least, their fifth year.

The first hatchling that came out was a beautiful female who was almost completely black except for two dark gray patches of scales in the shape of crescent moons beside both of her forest-green eyes. 

The second was also female, but this one had bright purple eyes, and the scales closer to her tail were darker than the ones by her nose. 

Then came a male with eyes the colour of cedar trees. He had dark gray spots exactly like mine all over his body. 

Finally, came the youngest of the four, and another male. He was almost completely black with dark gray running only along his spines. He had the most beautiful sky blue eyes that reminded me of my own.

I smiled at my perfect hatchlings. They need names. But that can wait. I'll decide that tomorrow because their names must be perfect. I thought, falling asleep with my babies cuddled against my belly.


I had been stealing fish for my young from the village as I tried to stay near them without leaving for long periods of time. Especially as they were growing more curious. During my latest raid, I had to block the cave entrance to prevent them from trying to go outside. It drives me crazy trying to keep them safe. But I won't let them be hurt. I thought fiercely, my claws tightening around the basket of fish that I carried in them. 

I returned to the cave and was instantaneously crowded by my hatchlings who were trying to eat first. Stealing from the village brought more problems to me, though. If I wasn't more careful, there could be search parties looking for the source of the missing food it would just draw more attention to me. But it was also far faster and I couldn't leave my children for too long in case someone found them. 

The next five years are going to be brutal. I sighed. That is the last time I'm going to that village. From now on, I'm going fishing. And with that, I fell asleep.


Dragon names (Night Furies)

Lagoon blue-eyed female (mother of Moon, Dawn, Toothless, and Streak)

Moon the green-eyed female because of the group of scales that are shaped like crescent moons. 

Dawn the purple-eyed female because it looks like dawn is breaking towards her nose.

Toothless green-eyed male because when he smiles he retracts his teeth which makes him look like he doesn't have any teeth.

Streak is the blue-eyed male because he has a streak of black that goes all along his spine. 

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