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Hiccup's POV

Time seemed to slow down as I watched my best friend plummet to the ground. Lagoon was the first to react. Twisting in the air, forcing me to clutch onto her neck tightly as she threw my basket skywards. She proceeded to dive after Toothless, snatching him up into her claws.

"Moon, grab Hiccup's basket," she demanded before turning to Streak. "Streak, catch Hiccup."

My eyes widened at that. "Wh-what d-do y-you m-mean?" I stuttered nervously.

"Hiccup, I'm going to guide you through this. Don't worry, everything will be all right. Okay?" Lagoon asked me.

I swallowed thickly. "O-okay..."

As we were talking, Moon had caught my basket and had evened out beside us.

"Streak... I need you to fly just below me and slightly to the side," Lagoon ordered, her voice firm with confidence.

Streak cast a glance at Dawn and nodded. I swallowed as I saw him beneath us, knowing that I would have to jump soon.

"Hiccup. You must do, exactly, as I say."


"When you feel comfortable, you have to stand up."

My heart was racing as I stared at the gap between us... and Streak. I slowly pushed myself onto my feet, holding my arms out to keep my balance as Lagoon glided through the air.

"Now, can you see Streak?"

"Yeah," I told her, my knees wobbling as I attempted to keep my balance.

"Dawn, watch them. If you think that Hiccup is going to fall, catch him. Understood?"

"Yes, Mom," Dawn replied.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I attempted to slow my racing heart. When I reopened them, I took another steadying breath before jumping off of Lagoon's back. The seconds in which I plummeted downwards were the most terrifying I had ever experienced. Nothing but open-air stood between me and death- Thick scales abruptly stopped my descent as I landed safely on Streak's back. I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding as I held onto the spines running over his head.

"Let's go," Lagoon stated with a smile.

A smile twitched up at the corners of my mouth as she flew off into the unknown, the rest of us following close behind.

When I turned around a few minutes later, our home for the past five years was a dot on the horizon. My shoulders felt lighter than ever; I would never be forced to kill a dragon. I would never have a destiny forced onto me again.

I was free.

Hours of flying later, everyone was tiring out. And with Berk far behind us, Lagoon decided it was safe to find somewhere to land for a rest.

As the sun started to peek over the horizon, I spotted a sea stack on our left. "Lagoon!" I shouted over the rushing wind, pointing in the direction of the sea stack.

She turned to me, her eyes beginning to droop before shifting her gaze to the island. Her tailfins readjusted slightly, causing her to bank left.

The sea stack could almost be considered an island. A small pond, lake, thing sat in the centre. However, besides the pond, the whole thing was flat.

Lagoon slept soundly beside Toothless, who I had untangled from the ropes. The others piled on top of each other, snoring as I stood guard. Lagoon would whack me over the head with her tail if she knew I had stayed awake the entire time they slept.

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