Past Becomes Present

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Toothless's POV

I finally get to spend time with my brother! Yay! I've been so busy lately. With becoming king and all. Really, being king is way harder and more time consuming than I could ever possibly have imagined. I have to deal with the smallest of disagreements and every possible threat and complaint ever imagined. *sigh* It's too bad we have to do a job instead of having some quality time together.

"So bud, now that we are away from everyone else. Was choosing me to do this job with you partially because we haven't spent time together lately."

"Wow, you know me too well. I chose you exactly because of that. But, we still have a job to do, we can still have some fun." I smiled at him.

"Okay, you're it," he said and tagged me then flew off.

We played tag until we found ourselves in the middle of a raid. As usual, Hiccup flew just in front of me and shifted. He landed on me and then I dropped him off on the island so he could maybe talk sense into the village. I called the dragons off while watching my brother carefully.

However, things went downhill right away. The villagers shouted things like 'traitor'. They quieted down when a huge man with flaming hair, and a Viking helmet. He is bad news I just know it.

"Who are you and why do you fight my friends?" Hiccup was wearing his mask and armour so I knew he wouldn't be identified if this was where I thought it was.

"My name is Stoick the Vast. I'm chief of the tribe and since you are on my island you are under my command." Hiccup scoffed, but the chief continued, "Should you choose not to listen to my orders you will be executed. As for why we fight your so-called 'friends'. It is because your 'friends' steal our food and destroy our village. They have killed hundreds of us and they even killed my son 10 years ago. But, I would not expect you to understand that, for anyone who allies with dragons is a killer and has no emotions. You have betrayed your own kind when you allied with dragons, so do not expect us to give you any sympathy. But, dragon boy why do you ally with these evil beasts?" Well, that's just great we are on Berk of all places. We couldn't have flown in any other direction we just had to fly here.

"Well, Stoick the Vast. You don't give me orders. The only beings who give me orders are my mother and my brother, the king of all dragons. I ally with them because they have saved my life more times than I can count. The first time they saved my life was when they took me away from my village. And yes, I did live in a village similar to yours. But, besides that, dragons are wonderful beings who are more similar to you Vikings than you could ever imagine. They care for their young, they protect their friends and family, they are selfless and don't hurt others unless it benefits more creatures than it hurts. They also have different personalities just like you. So, if you are wondering why I care about dragons, it is because I see more good in them than I see in 'my own kind'." There were murmurs in the crowd. Mostly about how Hiccup was talking to their chief.

"Well, if you won't listen to me then we will have you executed by midnight."

"Is that the case? Hmmm... I think I'm good. You know what. My king would not be too pleased if you tried to execute me, seeing as I am his brother. And if I were you, I wouldn't even try to take him on because he'd kill you before you could even move."

"Hiccup, cliff now."

"Well, it was nice meeting you Stoick the Vast. But, I am afraid that your plans for executing me will have to be cancelled because my king tells me that we have to be going now." He bowed and ran for the cliff.

I dove down and swooped along the side of the cliff and he timed his jump perfectly and landed on my back. I saw people peering down the side of the cliff, gasping at his supposed suicidal jump.

"Well, bud, they weren't very nice. But, you know what, that place looks extremely familiar."

"You really don't know where we were?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, Hiccup, I'm going to put this bluntly but... You were just speaking with your father."

"What!!?? How is that even possible? I mean. That wasn't... It couldn't be... Could it? No..." I listened to him ramble because I knew this was shocking for him. So I said as gently as possible not only because of the shock of seeing his family again but his home and not remembering it at all. It was also because he knew his father thought him dead and hadn't held onto the hope of him being alive.

"Hiccup listen to me, please. It's okay. You have mom, Moon, Dawn, Streak, Windshear, Heather, Delta and me. We are your family now. You knew what you were doing ten years ago when you ran away. Hiccup that was your father. And we were on Berk."

Stoick's POV

How dare he. He comes onto my island. Allies with the dragons. And disobeys my direct orders.

The evening was going wonderfully. We were winning the battle when all of a sudden a Night Fury appeared, the first one I've heard in ten years. And not only a Night Fury, but a strange boy too. The boy landed and asked us why we fought his friends. As if anyone could call a dragon their friend of all things. The dragons fly into the air while the boy answers my questions. They were hovering there as if they didn't want to leave the boy behind. But, why? They could leave without him and be safe. They could start firing at us while the boy was speaking and kill us all. But they didn't. Why? And who is that boy? I don't know why I needed to know.

The Night Fury roared and the boy looked up at the dragon. When he looked back at me he sassed me some more. Oh, this boy is really getting on my nerves.

Then he turned and ran before any of us could react. He jumped off the cliff. The dragons departed with the Night Fury and boy. They flew off to the West. Strange, they usually go East. Then again, this is the strangest raid ever.

Fishlegs's POV

Ugh... I'm sick of all these dragon raids. I've seen the kindness of dragons why can't it just end with peace.

I thought this was a normal raid.

Then the Night Fury showed up. And with it, he brought a strange boy.

The chief and the boy talked although they were rather hostile. The boy sassed the chief. He spoke like someone I knew once.

Their name was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't place it.

I looked up and saw the Night Fury again but he was smiling toothlessly at me.

Wait, toothlessly? Oh my Thor, it's Toothless. If that's Toothless than... It's Hiccup. He's alive.

I was about to call them when Hiccup jumped off the cliff onto Toothless's back. So instead I whispered; "Goodbye, old friend. I'll see you again one day."


Finally got past the writer's block. I hope that chapter was better.

Sorry for the lack of pictures. They are extremely hard to draw and write for each chapter. Might add one later.

Thanks for continuing to read my book.


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