Life As A Viking

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Rowan's POV

"But, dad. I don't want to kill dragons." Delta, my twin, was crying. She had always been different. She took after our mother, Valka Haddock. They both had a passionate love for dragons and I don't mean they love killing dragons, which I would definitely understand. But, unlike most Vikings, they wanted to save the dragons. I mean honestly why would you want to save a dragon.

"Delta, you are going into dragon training whether you like it or not. End of argument."

"Stoick, you shouldn't force her to do something she doesn't want to do." My mom argued.

This has been going on for the past half-hour, and I've had enough. So, I shouted, "For the love of Thor, Delta, you don't have to kill or hurt the stupid beasts. But the least you could do is learn some self-protection."

"Well, said son," said my dad. I looked at my mom and sister only to find them scowling at me. Then a look of determination crossed Delta's face. Uh oh, it's never a good idea to make her cross when she is that determined to do or not do something.

"I don't need to learn to defend myself against the dragons. It's not like they'll harm me if I show no inclination to harm them. I already know how to defend myself against human attacks so I'm fine."

"Ha, that's what your older brother thought and look where he ended up." My father used this argument against Delta and mom every time they would fight for the dragons. Delta continued to hold her chin high.

"Fine, I'll do dragon training." She spat out the last two words as if she had a foul taste in her mouth. "But, I'm going to prove to you and everyone else that you're wrong about these beautiful creatures. I'm going to come first and I'm going to save all of the dragons you have trapped there." Of course, that's what she's going to do. I mean she's strong, brave and is the most determined of everyone on this island to get what she wants. But, most importantly, she never breaks a promise.

I heard my mother whisper so quietly so that no one else would hear: "That's my daughter." I wish she would be that proud of me too.

The next day

Delta's POV

It was the first day of dragon training. I am one of the strongest vikings on Berk. Only a few of the adults are stronger than me. I'm also one of the smartest. I'm pretty sure the only people smarter than me are my mom and Fishlegs. I'm definitely smarter than my dad. If he were smarter than me he would see dragons as they truly are. Anyway, the only people who actually have a very similar opinion of dragons like mine, are Fishlegs, my mom, and Hiccup.

Hiccup. My brother. The one that died ten years ago according to my father and the entire village. Well, except for my mom, and Fishlegs definitely knows about my older brother's mysterious disappearance. I know that he knows something because whenever I bring it up he laughs and runs away. Once, I even caught him sending a letter to someone through Trader Johan.

I wish Hiccup were here. He'd tell me what to do.

Little did I know that he was wishing he could meet me too.

An hour later

I'm the first one to arrive at the arena. I'm practicing my fighting technique when I hear Astrid. Ugh, she's the only one who might actually get in my way of fighting the dragon in front of the village.

I decided to walk up to her. "I'm going to win. Not you. Got it?" It wasn't really a question more of a statement. She just stared at me with a determined look on her face. As if, she wasn't afraid of me, someone who is five years younger than her.

"I think you might want to back off Astrid. I've had many fights with her and she's won them all. Whether through brute force, intellect, or stubbornness. She even managed to strike a deal with our father." I turn to see Rowan walk up behind Astrid. She laughs. I respond with my dagger. But, I didn't aim for Astrid's head. If I had she'd be dead because I never miss. It embeds itself right beside her ear in the stone.

"Ha, you missed." She mocks me. I give a pointed look at Rowan.

"You're lucky that was only her warning shot. She actually hit exactly what and where she wanted to. She's even out-thrown Spitelout." Astrid's grin faded. That's right I'm better than all of you combined. So don't try and mess with me.

The first dragon Gobber 'trained' us against was the Nadder. She was stealthy, fast, and nimble. I say that he 'trained' us against it because his method is more let the dragon out of the cage see what we can do and give us a few pointers. Thanks, Gobber. Soooo helpful. He says the same thing every time someone asks if he is going to teach us first: I believe in learnin' on the job.

Lucky for me I've always viewed the dragons as friends so I've actually been training with them since I could walk. The Nadders taught me how to be nimble, and how to throw a dagger with accuracy that never fails you. The Terrible Terrors taught me to be so stealthy that even the best tracker dragon wouldn't detect me until I was upon them. The Monstrous Nightmares taught me brute strength (I actually had to wrestle them). The Gronckles helped me find my inner peace which I would need so my anger didn't blind me. I learned all about them and I taught them about the vikings so there might not be as many casualties.

I knew that my being the future chieftess and all meant that I had to take dragon training. Even if I dreaded the whole idea more than any other. Well, except for actually harming a single scale on a dragon. Which, I guess is the whole point of dragon training.

So, when I saw Astrid charge at the Nadder. I knew I had to act fast. I ran up to the Nadder scratched her under the chin and she fell over. Thank Thor. That was very close.

Astrid just glared daggers at me. Clearly, she had forgotten my warning from earlier. I was debating whether or not it would be a good idea to give her another warning when Rowan came up behind me.

"That. Was. Amazing. Where did you learn that?" he was awestruck. I just said that I had forgotten. I wasn't able to tell him the truth because he wouldn't hesitate to kill my only friends.


Sorry, but I can't really draw a picture of a person. So this chapter will be picture-less. Also, just imagine Delta looking like a younger version of Valka with red hair and blue eyes. Rowan looks like Stoick with brown hair and he also has blue eyes.


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