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Hiccup's POV

I heard whispers flying by. "Dawn is back. She's all right. Meeting at the crystal."

I flew as fast as I could towards the giant crystal, hoping to see my sister unharmed and safe. Hoping she had come back to her home. I arrived as I saw Toothless with a young girl beside him. Dawn came up behind me. "You're safe. I can't believe you're here." We nuzzled each other and went back to listening to Toothless again.

"The princess has come home." The princess but Toothless said the only princess would be ... Oh my, is she really here? Could it be? Do I really get to meet her? I didn't question myself as I flew up to the crystal. I knew everyone was watching me but I didn't care. Not when I was going to meet my sister. No one tried to stop me because I was a prince. Toothless just grinned and my sister just gaped.

"Delta!" I tackled her hugging her with my wings. I didn't care that the whole world was watching me. I knew this was my sister and I would protect her from everything. "I wanted to meet you so much. But ... I just couldn't return. I can't believe you're here."

"Umm... Excuse me. It is a little awkward to be hugged by a complete stranger." I let go of her and shifted back into my human form.

"Sorry. But, I can't believe I actually get to meet my little sister. By the way, my name's Hiccup. But you probably already figured that out by now. Sorry I got a little carried away." She was gaping even more than she was a few minutes ago. I hadn't realized that it was possible for her to be more shocked.

"Di-did y-you just call m-me your little si-sister?"

"Well, you are. Unless... Are you just pretending to be Delta so you can gain a foothold in my brother's kingdom?" She just stared at me blankly, trying to digest this new information.

"No, I am Delta."

I shifted into a dragon again. "Well, Delta would you like to see my home?"


"Hop on."

"Just some questions. Did you just change from a dragon into a human and then back into a dragon? Where am I? Are you actually my brother? How is the king your brother? How am I a princess here? How did you recognize me so quickly? Why am I here?"

"Yes, I just shifted. You are now in the Hidden World, it is my home for the past 10 years. Yes, I am your brother. I am the first son of Valka and Stoick Haddock. My full name's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Toothless, Moon, Dawn, and Streak are my siblings because when I first came here Lagoon adopted me and she is now my mom. You are not a princess. You are the princess just like I am the prince. We are meant to bring peace between dragons and vikings. You have the same powers that I have. You can understand, speak and turn into a dragon. What dragon you turn into, I don't know. I didn't recognize you, Toothless told everyone that you are the princess and therefore my sister. You are here probably to meet me and to understand your destiny as the princess of dragons. Anymore, questions?"

She just gaped at me.

"Yeah, just one. How did you know my name was Delta?"

"I've been keeping in contact with my best friend, of course." I saw the look on her face. "What, you don't think that I would run away and not want to hear news about Berk? Or tell my best friend everything that has happened to me?" She laughed.

"No. I guess I wouldn't either."

"We're here."

"It's beautiful. This whole world is beautiful."

Delta's POV

We had reached the top of one of the large pillars. There was a lake on top of this particular one with a waterfall flowing over the edge. There was also another waterfall falling into the lake itself. I saw a cave behind the waterfall and plants that were unfamiliar. I saw fish of all colours swimming in the lake. I can't believe that my brother has lived here for almost his entire life.

A beautiful Night Fury with blue eyes flew onto a large rock beside the lake.

"Hiccup, how was your day?"

"It was amazing, mom. Delta, this is my adoptive mother, Lagoon. Mom, this is my little sister, Delta."

"So, this is your mom. It is nice to meet you Lagoon."

"It is nice to meet you too. Now, would you like to get some sleep or are you hungry?" I nearly laughed she was already acting just like my own mom.

"I'll have something to eat please."

After I finished cooking and eating my fish we had a conversation about our lives. Hiccup told me how he met the Night Furies. Why he decided to leave and everything that he has accomplished. He also told me how he met Heather and Windshear and how Toothless became alpha. His story was fascinating.

It was then that I noticed a wound that looked as if someone had stitched it up, on Lagoon.

"How did you get that?"

"Oh, this?" She pointed at it with her tail.


"Well, a couple of years ago I was out trying to save some dragons with all of my children. I got hit by a net and fell out of the air. I landed on the deck and started fighting my way to freedom. One of the dragon hunters had cut me with their axe and nearly killed me. I managed to get into the air and we came back here. Moon had to carry me because I lost consciousness from blood loss. If it weren't for Hiccup I would've died. As soon as we arrived back here he stitched the wound back together. Apparently, it was something he learned from your mother."

I was shocked. Hiccup put himself in that kind of danger with his siblings. I came up with an idea.

"Can you teach me how to be the dragon princess?"

His only response was a toothless smile. This is going to be fun.


Sorry if this chapter is boring. There were some things that were important and I felt like there needed to be some brother-sister bonding. Also, I kind of had a bit of trouble writing this because of a writer's block. Sorry, it took so long.


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