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Rowan's POV

I lifted my hammer to protect myself against the Night Fury. It gave me an amused expression. I thought about what I was doing and realized that it could easily destroy the hammer.

Well, I guess my only chance at survival is Astrid's advice.

I put my hammer down and it nodded in approval. I must be going crazy.

It walked up to me and draped it wing around my arm the way an older brother does to a younger one.

"Well, I knew there was still hope for you." Someone mumbled nearby.

I easily got into an attack stance. "Who's there?"

"No one except you and me."

"Who are you?"

"Name's Hiccup. You know Astrid literally just introduced us. I find it quite insulting that you forgot my name already."

Astrid only introduced me to a dragon, whom she called... Hiccup.

"Wait... You can talk." I said turning towards him.

"Ha, I knew it. I knew that it would be easier for you. Especially around me."

I figured that I had already gone crazy so whatever. "Knew what?"

"That you'd understand dragonease faster when you were around me."

"Dragonease what's that?"

"Um, hello. Language of the dragons. You know so we can talk to each other."

"And why would being around you make me learn it faster?"

"Well, that's easy." The dragon said and stopped.


"Oh, sorry I thought you'd figured it out by now. Why do I have to explain this to everyone?" The dragon sighed dramatically.

"Explain what?" The dragon stepped away from me removing its wing from my shoulder. And oddly when it did that I felt kind of sad. Then in front of my eyes, the dragon disappeared and in its place was a human.

"Hi, Rowan." He took his helmet off and I realized that the answer to many, many questions had finally been answered.


"That would be me. Now, you aren't allowed to tell anyone about this okay. It's a secret between you, me, Astrid, Fishlegs, and Delta."

"Wait. Delta, knew about this?"

"Oh, um. How do I explain this? Okay... so Delta... she can also turn into a Night Fury. Yep, that is definitely the only way to explain it. So, Delta and I are really important dragon wise because we are meant to bring peace between vikings and dragons. The least complicated form of the dragon legend is that a dragon prince and or princess is born. If they love dragons enough for the first five years of their lives their powers will come in. Which means they can understand and speak dragonease and also turn into a species of dragon."

I stood there with my mouth wide open. It was a lot to take in. My brother and sister are the dragon prince and princess. "Really?"

"Yep. Okay, now we are going flying, so hold on."

The flight was amazing. I decided to give dragons a chance. Well, I didn't really have a choice because my siblings were both half-dragons.

Hiccup and I walked out of the forest. Talking and laughing like best friends. Then Fishlegs came running up.

"Hiccup!" He yelled.

"Fishlegs! I missed you. I am so sorry that I didn't really get to talk with you last time."

"It's all good, Hiccup. Are you staying this time?" Hiccup's smile disappeared at the question.

"I know you want me to stay Fishlegs. But, I can't. It's just... I belong with my family back home. I actually haven't even considered Berk to be my home for almost 11 years."

"I know. I just hoped."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. But, guess what. I'll be visiting more often."

"That's great. I'm going to leave you and Rowan be. Astrid and Delta are helping us choose our dragons today."

"Hey, we should go see what they're up to." Hiccup suggested.

"That's a great idea," I replied.

"What? You changed your mind about dragons? No one thought that was possible." Fishlegs asked me.

"Hiccup helped me see the truth about them."

As we approached the arena Hiccup said, "I never thought I'd actually approach this place after that one time." He laughed.

"Wait, what happened? Dad, only told us that you were supposedly taken by dragons when you were five. He usually used it against Delta and mom whenever they fought for the dragons."

"Well, that's awful." Hiccup said. True. "Well, when I was three. I loved dragons. Always have, really. Well, being three I decided to visit the dragons in the arena before dawn. When I got there I decided to let them out."

"You did what!!!???" Fishlegs and I asked.

"Yep. But, it gets better. After letting them out I played with them for hours. Until mom came up and yelled at me. As soon as dad came out I ran away to find Fishlegs. That was a good day." He said and looked like he was remembering something else.

"Okay, but, seriously!? You did that!?" Fishlegs asked incredulously.

Hiccup came to with a start, "Sorry. Did you say something?"

"Nevermind," Fishlegs muttered.

"What were you thinking about anyway?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said, clearly, he was lying, but I didn't want to push our newfound friendship.

We reached the ring and saw that Astrid, Delta, the Twins, and Snotlout were already there.

"Hello there, everyone. Is there room for three more?" Hiccup stated as he leaned against the bars of the arena.

"Hiccup!" Delta came running up to him and hugged him. "Wait... Did you say three more?"

"Precisely." He said.

She turned towards me, "What can I say? I misjudged them."

She hugged me fiercely, "That's for changing your mind," and then she punched me, "and that is for judging dragons in the first place. Now let's go."

At the end of the day, I had trained an orange and forest-green Snifflehunch and named him Forestflame.

Hiccup and I got closer together and I guess you could say we actually started acting like brothers.

I saw Hiccup approach Delta at the end of the day. She threw a knife at him and they had a yelling match. Finally, she stormed away. "Oh come on Delta. It's not that bad." Hiccup yelled after her.

I ran after them, I saw Delta jump off a cliff and Hiccup quickly follow suit. I stood there watching the two Night Furies fly off.

"What in the name of Thor just happened?" I heard Astrid ask behind me.

I told her, "I have no idea."

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