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Valka's POV

I walked into one of the caves. I saw a lot of drawings and paper. On the papers were dragons. So many dragons. I saw a few books in the corner. There was one that was titled 'My family'. I flipped through it. There were pictures of Night Furies in it beside each picture was a name and things they liked and disliked. After, I saw a page titled 'my newfound family'. There was a picture of the silver dragon. A picture of the girl, apparently her name was Heather.

The next page that was filled out was a picture of Delta. Her name was beside it and I read, my sister. But, even stranger was that there was a picture of a Night Fury underneath as well.

So, Delta's his sister. Strange. Maybe, she's his adoptive sister. She did disappear for a month. Oh well.

I saw another book titled 'the book of dragons'. I laughed because we had a book titled the same thing back home.

The first pages were those of dragons I knew. Gronckle, Nadder, Nightmare, Zippleback, Changewing, and so on. Then I saw Night Fury, the picture was beautiful, I also saw a full description of it.

Then I saw the silver dragon, a Razorwhip apparently. Lethal dragons. They even had poisonous tears. Death Song was next. It looked like a giant butterfly and dragon. Shoots amber that hardens quickly. Dramillion, multiple attacks, titanwings can turn invisible. I kept looking but saw nothing of interest until. Red death, as large as a mountain. There was no picture for this one. Boulder class. I flipped some more pages but found that they were all empty.

I turned back around and saw a small stone that looked like it had fallen. I wouldn't have looked at it twice, but I saw a night-black carving on the top of it.

I nearly dropped it after picking it up. The top wasn't any black carving. It was the carving of a Night Fury.

I almost dismissed it as a coincidence when I saw another page on the desk.

It read.

'Rowan Haddock

My brother.

Hates dragons, from Berk, short brown hair, blue eyes, twin to Delta Haddock.'

I saw a few pictures tucked away. They were pictures of me and Stoick. I saw another of Fishlegs when he was five, on the back, it read my best friend.

It couldn't possibly be? Could it? I always suspected that he ran away, but never truly hoped that what I thought was true. His name is Hiccup after all.

"Well, I see you've found all my drawings and books." I whirled around and saw the dragon boy standing in front of the cave. "You know I would've expected you to get some sleep after all the flying we did yesterday."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snoop." He smiled at me.

"It's okay. I want to show you something." We walked out of the cave and there stood the Stormcutter. I realized something I didn't before, it was the same dragon from the raid from 15 years ago. The Stormcutter made a rumbling sound in his throat. "He says hello, again. Thank you for saving my life. Also, he wants you to name him. You would honestly be surprised how many dragons don't have names."

"What? He wants me to name him?"

"Yes." The Stormcutter nodded his head.

"Well, I'll figure something out eventually. You are the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen."

"He wants to fly with you again. He really enjoyed it."

"Okay. Umm, could you teach me to understand them."

"That is something that comes through belief, curiosity, and a bond with a dragon. You'll understand them eventually. Also, just wondering what's your family name?"

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine."

"Fair enough, what's your question?"

"How old are you?"

"I'm 15."

"Hmmm... My name's Valka Haddock."

"Thank you, have fun."

Toothless's POV

Finally, finally, I get to see my brother again. Ugh, it was waaaaaaaaay too long.

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup. I missed you soooooooooo much. You were gone soooooooooo long. WHAT did you do? How's Delta? How's Berk? Who is that person? Where was Moon? Why did it take soooooooooo long?"

"I missed you too, Toothless. I protected Delta, I made peace with the dragons and vikings, I have a girlfriend, and I brought a ton of dragons back here. Delta is fine. Berk was okay. That person is my mom. Moon followed us to Berk. I was gone so long because I had to say goodbye to my girlfriend and we had just made peace, so yeah."

"Wait, you made peace between Berk and dragons? How? You have a girlfriend? You found and kidnapped your mom? Why did you kidnap your mom? Why did Moon follow you?"

"Has anyone ever told you, that you ask a lot of questions and that you remind them of an overgrown puppy dog? Yes, I made peace between Berk and dragons. Astrid won the dragon training and tried to prove to Berk that dragons weren't as they seemed. I had just woken up and started getting a weird feeling like I had to go save her. So I did. Then the next day we confronted them. They didn't want to believe me so I told them that I knew where Hiccup was. Dad made me promise that if I wanted peace with the dragons I had to talk to him. I forgot your other questions."

"No one has ever compared me to a puppy dog. What even is a puppy dog? You have a girlfriend? Why did you kidnap your mom? Why did Moon go to Berk? What happened that you were unconscious?"

"I'll draw one later. Yes, I DO have a girlfriend. The Stormcutter and Moon convinced me that mom belongs here. Speaking of moms, where is our mom? As for why Moon followed us, I have no idea, you'd have to ask her. I was flying over a raid trying to stop it when all of a sudden a net comes out of nowhere and wraps around me. I fell down into the cove where I wished I could've seen my family one last time."

"Wow! Mom is off on a trip to find some more Night Furies."

"Hello, I don't believe I know your name yet."

"This is Toothless. He's my adoptive brother. But, I think you already know that from reading my book. Also, Toothless that is a puppy dog, he was asking," I said and smiled at her. I really can't be mad at my mom.

"She read your book?"



"Oh, he asked me if you really read my book."

"So I have to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Are you Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third? Are you my son?"

"Yes, yes, I am."

She drew Hiccup in for a hug and I smiled as he hugged her back. I smirked before tackling them both with my wings. "Welcome to the family, mom #2"

Hiccup laughed, used to my shenanigans. "What did he say?"

"He said; 'Welcome to the family, mom #2'" She laughed. "Their mom adopted me when I first came here. She loves everyone. She could definitely use your help though."


"Because, four Night Furies; a Razorwhip; a human; her mate, who I must say is a dragon version of dad; and two half-dragon-half-humans are too much for one dragon to handle. Especially, when one of them is the king of all dragons." She gaped.

"That's right we are a pawful."

"He said 'That's right we're a pawful' and I agree hundred percent." We laughed.

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