The Challenge

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Toothless's POV

When I saw Heather I knew Frost would kill my brother. But, staying true to my promise over ten years ago I had trained myself to protect Hiccup. Now I am ready. So I turned around and flew as fast as I could into the Hidden World.

"FROST!!!! I challenge you for the title of King! Show yourself and surrender or fight me!" Frost flew up in front of me but I had heard him so instead of crashing into him as he had anticipated I stopped and he flew above me.

"You are challenging me for the throne. You when I am over twice as old as you. Ha. You think you can win. That you are wiser than me. Well, your challenge is accepted. Don't feel too bad if you lose."

"Don't worry Frost. All of your stress is over because I will win."

"Well then. Let the fight begin."

With that, he launched at me. I dodged the attack with ease and managed to smack him on the nose with my tail. He roared in pain and fury. He didn't attack again. We just circled each other waiting for the other to make the next move. I dove down letting him see my exposed back. He took the bait. Right before he broke my back I flipped and grabbed his claws with mine. We let go, flying apart again.

I decided to fake fatigue. Let him think I was tiring. When I was actually bursting with energy. Sure enough, I saw a gleam of triumph in his eyes. Good, my acting is working. He's falling for another one of my tricks. I let my wings falter and I felt myself plummet a few feet. I decided to land on top of a column.

Frost started to divebomb me with claws, teeth and plasma blasts. I dodged them all. I had no idea if Frost had a shot limit. I mean he is the King maybe he does maybe he doesn't. What I did know was that Frost was not a good fighter. He is too predictable. I had learned from every dragon I came across in their tactics in a fight. I gathered all this information using as many of the tactics as I could.

I heard Hiccup arrive. He started asking why we were fighting and Moon explained. I heard all of this before I focused on the fight again. I had a few scratches but Frost was still uninjured. Just another tactic. Make him think he has the upper hand let him get cocky. Then attack in full force when he least expects it.

Frost continues to dive bomb me and I continue to snap at him. Eventually, he stops and lands. This is it. Just wait. Frost takes a few steps forward. Wait for it. He takes another few steps forward. Wait for it. NOW! I lunge at him using all of the energy that I've held back. Frost is shocked. I snap at him and attack him with fire, claws, and teeth. I roar at him with all my might letting him know that I wasn't backing down. Not now and not ever. He stares at me and starts to fight back. But, I know his every move. But just like the Nadders, I hit him with my tail. I used my claws like how I was taught by the Nightmares. The Speed Stingers had taught me how to move faster than most. I fired with deadly accuracy that I had learned from my mother. I used all of the years of learning to my advantage here.

I jumped out of the way and while his back was turned I jumped on him. He was pinned, he tried to escape but he couldn't. Finally, after struggling for several minutes he went limp while I stayed on guard in case he tried anything.

"Surrender to my fury!" I shouted

"Y-you beat me. You are now the alpha." As soon as he said that, I roared my victory to all of the dragons. They all bowed down to me, their new alpha. I never thought that Frost had ruled justly. In a way, he was just like a viking. Stubborn, judgemental, kills for no reason. I would strive to be a better alpha than he was. I will be the best alpha the dragons have ever known. I swore to myself. Just like I had sworn to protect my family. I will keep both of my promises. Even if it kills me.

2 hours earlier

Hiccup's POV

As soon as I had introduced Heather and Windshear I saw Toothless's eyes widen in shock. He blinked a couple of times then flew back into the Hidden World as fast as he could without saying a word. I shifted back into my human self so I could answer any of Heather's questions.

We followed him and Windshear asked: "What was that about?"

"I have no idea. He is usually really friendly. Even towards vikings."

Heather's eyes widened when we entered the Hidden World. "It's so beautiful."

"That's exactly how I felt when I first came here. Well, and every time since." At first, we didn't see Toothless because there was a huge crowd of dragons around him. "Well, this isn't normal. I wonder what's going on." I looked around a bit. "We better find my siblings. They'll be able to fill us in."

We searched for about five minutes when I finally spotted Moon. She was really close to the inner ring and there were our siblings. But, I still didn't see Toothless anywhere. Where is he?

"There," I said. Windshear flew directly to the Night Furies in the front. "Moon." She turned to look at me.

"Hiccup, I'm so glad you're alright. Who are they?"

"This is Heather and Windshear. I found them out while I was on patrol. What is going on? Is that Toothless? Fighting Frost?"

"That is exactly what is going on. Toothless is challenging Frost for the title of alpha. Toothless just came down here at top speed yelling for Frost to show his face. After, he had been waiting for you for the past four hours. But, I'm guessing that he decided to challenge Frost because ten years ago when we first came here Toothless told me that if Frost ever threatened you again he would challenge Frost for alpha. And now that promise seems to be fulfilled. Although, I do know that you would be in danger because Frost barely tolerated you here he probably wouldn't have tolerated her here."

"What!? I thought he had changed his mind about me and would try to accept other vikings."

"No. He's been looking for an excuse to get rid of you for the past ten years. He is as closed-minded as your village. They are such stubborn people. Now let's cheer our brother on."

2 hours later

Toothless won. Thank goodness. I can't believe he actually won. Toothless then proceeded to roar as loud as he could. I felt the urge to shift into a Night Fury and bow to my newly crowned alpha. He is going to be amazing at this. I just know it.


Any thoughts, opinions, things I could do better. Artwork opinions. Let me know if you have any questions, ideas, or opinions. Your constructive criticism is welcome here.


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