The Talk

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Lagoon's POV

"Toothless. Help me!" cried Hiccup

"Don't worry, we won't let him hurt you. Right guys?" He said this as he and his siblings curled around Hiccup protectively. Hiccup immediately stopped shaking as he leaned into Toothless.

"Oh, and what are you going to do about it if I decide that he has to go?" Frost demanded.

"He is mine," I growled.

They all turned and looked at me and Frost started growling: "I am the king."

"And I am your mate, the queen and your equal. You have no right to boss me around."

"Well, I say that he is a danger to us all."

"He is my adopted son. I trust him with my life and the lives of my children. He has already proven me right. And I know he will continue to do so until the day he dies."

A quiet voice I knew to be Hiccup spoke up: "Do you mean it? Am I really your adoptive son?"

"Of course I mean it dear. You have sacrificed so much for my family that I am claiming you as my son."

"Thank you, mommy," he ran up to me and hugged me.

"Wait. He can understand us. And now he is my adoptive son! I will not tolerate this. He should die like all vikings because they kill thousands of us for no reason!"

"Please don't kill me. I ran away from my home because I wouldn't kill a dragon because that is what my viking mommy taught me." He said while tears rolled down his face. My children saw this and came up to us to protect and comfort him.

"What kind of dragon just throws a hatchling out when they haven't ever done anything wrong to a dragon. What kind of king are you when you show none of the qualities of a dragon." I shouted at him "You haven't even given him a chance. He is mine and if he goes then I go with him because I swore to myself to never let anything happen to him while I can prevent it. I will protect him just like I would any hatchling that is of my blood."

"Fine. I will give him one chance and if he blows it then he will die by the next morning. Is that understood."

"Yes, it is."

"Good. Now I have to commence my duties for the day, so goodbye."

Well, at least he didn't kill Hiccup. Not yet, anyway.

Toothless's POV

I was worried about Hiccup. I had a feeling that my dad would hover over him until he made a mistake. Ugh. This was supposed to be a sanctuary not another place of torment. He has already had enough hardships in his life that he deserves to have a break.

Little did I know was that the hardships that Hiccup had already endured were just the beginning.

I'll protect him at all costs. Maybe when the day comes that Hiccup does something that is wrong I will challenge him to be king. That is what I will do. I will train hard until the day comes for me to challenge him.

I promise you Hiccup nothing will happen to you while I am alive and breathing. I swore silently.

Moon's POV

When I heard that my father wanted to kill my brother's best friend. I froze. Then I was so angry that I couldn't even put how angry I was into words. I mean really who just kills a person when they haven't ever done anything wrong and he can't even trust his own soulmate. Finally, I just wanted to do everything in my power to protect him because he has protected us since we first met. So now it is definitely our turn to protect him. So I did what any sane dragon would do. I went up and curled my tail around my brother and Hiccup.

When my father finally flew off to do who knows what, I felt myself relax. I didn't even think of the fact that my father might start to watch Hiccup really closely for any mistakes that he makes. It was then that I realized how tired I was from our flight. So I immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up I found Toothless alert and waiting while his tail was curled protectively around our adoptive brother. I yawned and he snapped his head around to look at me. As soon as he saw that it was only me he relaxed: "Are you going to help me protect him?"

"Protect him from what? It's not like father is going to kill him."

"He will try. I can tell that he is going to hover over Hiccup until Hiccup makes a mistake. But, whether it is him actually doing the hovering or another dragon I am guessing that he is going to have eyes on him at all times. So yes. I want you to help me protect him from FROST."

He said our father's name as if he had a bad taste in his mouth. He didn't even say father he said, Frost. I can't believe it. "You don't respect him?"

"Of course I don't." He scoffed."I don't care about him. And really I wouldn't respect any dragon, particularly not my own father, if they wanted to kill my best friend for no reason. And if you won't help me then I am sure I can find one of our siblings who will."

He said that with such anger and conviction that I actually re-thought my father's motives. Why would he agree to let Hiccup go unharmed if he hates vikings so much? Could Toothless be right? Could father, no not father he is no father of mine, Frost really be doing this so he will get along with mom and when the time comes he'll get rid of Hiccup too?

"I will help you. He is my adoptive brother too. And I've known him longer than I've known Frost."

He started beaming as he said, "I knew I could count on you. And you didn't even call him father."

"No, I didn't, because I trust you and I love Hiccup. So, since you don't trust him then I won't trust him. Now let's go get all of the others on board."

We nuzzled each other and then I flew off to find our siblings.


I know that the picture that I used isn't completely accurate for this chapter. But, it was so cute and I really liked how Toothless was protecting Hiccup.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying my book. I mean this is the first story that I've actually written really. So I really hope that it is good so far. Thanks to all of you for reading this. And please share how you are feeling about it.


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