Last Steps

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Delta's POV

This is a bad idea. There is no way we can kill her. I was scared. I'd have to be a fool not to be. But, if I died doing this and still managed to kill her, I would go to Valhalla with my head raised high.

I saw Astrid signal us forward. Okay, it's go time. Let's do this. We slowly flew towards the volcano. We approached the entrance to the volcano cautiously. As soon as we were inside. Stormfly opened her mouth to roar, but I didn't hear any noise. Perfect. They work. I saw the queen emerge from the volcano her eyes peering at us.

Stormfly fired at her hitting her straight in the eye. She fired again and again. Roaring just as loudly. The queen was, now, blinded in three of her eyes thanks to Stormfly's spikes. The queen started snapping at us. She narrowly missed Stormfly one time and I knew we had to bring this out of the volcano.

I was about to lead her out when a flash of violet caught my eye. Babies. Shoot. "Astrid! Save the babies."

I saw her steer Stormfly towards the cliff and start grabbing hatchlings from their nests and placing them in others at the far side of the volcano away from where we planned to fight the queen. Well, I guess I have to be the one to distract her. I just better not use any shots.

The queen followed me out of the nest, forgetting about Astrid and Stormfly as they cleared the nest.

I dove at her when she was on the beach while avoiding her jaws and tail. I used my claws and tail to hit her and irritate her. Then I saw spines land near where I had just been. Thank goodness, they're back.

"Let's do this." I roared.

The queen saw them come in firing spines at her.

The queen started firing back. I came down in a steep dive aiming for her head and fired.

The queen shook her head and roared I quickly climbed into the clouds making sure she was following me. She snapped at me hoping to catch me, but I was too fast. Then I was gone from her view.

I shoot holes in her wings and anywhere else that would be a good target. She saw me and snapped at me almost hitting me. Okay, okay.

I dove down right in front of her and she followed suit. She was building up gas in her mouth to fire at me and bring me down, but I lit it up too early for her to fire. In a last desperate attempt to rid herself of me she snared my tail wing. Ripping it. NO!!!!

I was still able to manoeuvre myself around her spines and nearly cleared her tail when a spine appeared in front of me. Too slow to get out of the way, I hit it and everything went black.

Astrid's POV

I saw Delta pull into the sky. She lit it up again and again and again. making an outline of the queen. Then orange fire blossomed from the queen and Delta came diving out of the sky. She was closely followed by the queen.

Then just as we planned she blew up the queen with one last blast.

I thought she was going to make it out of the destruction zone when I saw her hit a spine and fall. I urged Stormfly to save her but was beaten to her by a Fury.

A white Fury. They cleared the zone and landed in front of me.

I ran towards her. "Delta! Oh my."

"Stay back. You aren't welcome here."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to make sure my best friend was okay." The Fury stared at me. "What?"

"Y-you understood me."

"Yes, so?"

"Well, for starters you are a viking."

"I may be a viking, but I am a viking who loves dragons. And she is the dragon princess."

"She is? Wow! So it might be time for peace after all. My name is Peace. What is yours?"

"I am Astrid, this is Stormfly, and she is Delta. If you don't mind me asking why were you named Peace?"

"My parents believed that I was to be an important part of bringing peace between vikings and dragons. I never believed them because I thought vikings would never change. But, here I am in front of one that hasn't even attempted to raise a weapon against me. Your friend, Delta, will never fly again though. Her tail wing is ruined."

"I think we can fix it. Would you help us go back home?"

"I don't know. I'm not fond of vikings, even if you are growing on me."

"If you don't want to come back, you should fly over Berk and continue West to the Hidden World. It'll be safe there."

"It'd be nice to have a home. I'll think about it."

We waited for all the dragons to come back so they could move back to Berk with us and help us take the hatchlings there, to safety. Delta woke up and had her tail fin stitched up.

"Ugh, how am I going to explain that I'm half-dragon. My tail won't heal if I shift back."

"I'll tell your mom and dad that you came back safe and are taking a rest in the forest for a few days. Hopefully, that'll give you enough time to heal."

"It should. Dragons heal faster than humans."

When we got to Berk Delta flew straight to the forest, Peace went to the Hidden World and I explained what had happened to the Chief. Well, I gave him some details but certainly not all of them.

10 days later

Delta's tail had finally healed and she'd returned to her home yesterday. I was outside in the forge when a shadow appeared in the doorframe.

"Why hello there."


"Please, not so loud. It hurts my ears. Also, my alias, while I'm on Berk, is Blackmoon."

"Sorry, I just missed you so much."

"I missed you, too. By the way, Peace made it to the Hidden World safely. I heard of your and Delta's incredible fight and I believe congratulations are in order. Looks like our dream might become a reality."

"Yep. Now, we just need to convince your stubborn brother."

"Great. Let's get this over with." He said and then smiled.

"I have a feeling he won't like whatever you just thought of."

"Probably, but, we're going to take him for a little flight." I smiled.

Hiccup found Rowan easily. He was in the woods. "Hello, Rowan."

"Astrid! What are you doing here?"

"My friend wanted to take you for a flight. Thinks it might convince you to give dragons a chance."

"Dragon? There aren't any dragons around here." Hiccup jumped silently out of the tree.

"Why don't you look behind you." He turned and gulped. "Relax, he's not going to hurt you. Well, he will if you don't put the hammer down. So, Hiccup. Go ahead. He's all yours."

"I told you not to call me that."

"Whatever. Have fun." I said and walked away.

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