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Astrid's POV

We walked to Berk. Moon and Stormfly would stay in the trees while Delta, Hiccup, and I tried to talk sense into our village.

When Delta and I walked out onto the bridge we were immediately stormed by Stoick.

"Where is he?"

I was genuinely confused. Does he really expect me to know who he was talking about? "Who?"

"The dragon boy. The one who rescued you from the Monstrous Nightmare. The dragon you tried to tame."

"Well, Stoick, I'm right here. You know what I've finally placed why this is all so familiar. Anyway, not the point. Hello, nice to see you again."

"Dragon boy, why are you here?"

"Oh, you know. Saving dragons. You do know that that's my joy and passion, don't you?"

"So, you've come to my island, again, to raid us?"

"I believe you misunderstood me. I said saving dragons. Not raiding you."

"Whatever, why did you save Astrid?"

"Because I don't want this war to be worse. And Astrid did try to spare that Nightmare's life. For that, she has my gratitude."

Stoick's POV

Why was he back? This 'Dragon boy' is extremely annoying. "Ah, that. Why did you attempt to spare the dragon's life, Astrid?"

"I did it because I finally took the dragon boy's advice. I looked deeper than the surface."

"You know, Stoick. I have some friends who would be willing to try to show how good they can be." The dragon boy told me.

"And why would I ask you to show it to me?"

"Because, your two best warriors have already decided against killing dragons, actually that includes your wife as well."


"Oh, you know about Astrid now. But, I'm pretty sure you may have forgotten Delta's promise to you."

"And what might that be?"

"I promised you that, I would win the dragon training, and prove to you how good dragons were. I didn't end up holding the first part but I will show you how good they are."

A Deadly Nadder walked out of the forest. We all took out our weapons. "Harm one scale on this dragon and I will call every single dragon within a one-mile radius to spread the word and come here to unleash their wrath on you all." We all gulped but didn't lower our weapons. "I mean it. Put. Them. Down." We did so and raised our hands in surrender. All of us except for me and Spitelout, that is.

"Why should we listen to you?" I demanded

"Two reasons. First of all, I am more dangerous than I seem. Secondly, I am the only person who can tell you where your son is."

"Rowan, where is he? What did you do to him?"

"Wait, wow they seriously do think he's dead?" The dragon boy asked Astrid.

"I already told you that, idiot."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, Rowan is fine. I was talking about your eldest." He got a few confused stares, "The boy that died when he was five?" Still nothing, "Really? Wow, I can definitely understand why he left. Hiccup?" Everybody understood after that.

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