Two Different Worlds

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Stoick's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard crashing and growling coming from Hiccup's room. Wait, growling? Oh no, a dragon must have broken in. I have to get to Hiccup before he gets hurt. Valka is following me with worry written on her face. We try to open the door but it's jammed. Suddenly, the noise stops. "Hiccup!" I shout, no answer. Then the growling starts again. This time I hear two different growls. Two dragons! He doesn't stand a chance!

I finally threw the door open. Only to see his dresser in front of the door. His room was a mess. But strangely there wasn't a hole in the wall anywhere. Only an open window. How can two dragons fit through a window? It didn't make sense.

It was only then that I realized that Hiccup wasn't there. We were too late to save him. He's gone.

Valka was crying because she knew her only son was gone. That he was dead. Before I could comfort her I heard a shout from outside. "Night Fury! Get down!"

Oh no, first Hiccup. Now a Night Fury! This night can't possibly get any worse.

Valka's POV

When I saw Hiccup's bedroom I was shocked. The room was a disaster.

But what I noticed that clearly, Stoick hadn't was that there were hardly any possessions left in the room. Whereas, when I tucked him in, last night there were papers and pencils all over the desk. And there were also blankets on the bed.

Somehow, I had a strange feeling that he wasn't dead but he had run away. So, I wasn't crying over the 'death' of my son. But over the fact that I had been a horrible mother. I knew I must have been a terrible mother because if your only child runs away clearly, you hadn't protected them enough.

I just hoped that he would be safe. But, I also swore to myself to be a better mother to my next children who were soon to come.

The next day

Fishlegs's POV

The whole village thought that my best friend was dead and it was a sad day. But, I knew he was alive. That he was out there somewhere so I was sad for a completely different reason.

I was sad because I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again. At least, I would get letters from him telling me about his adventures and the amazing dragons he meets.

Later that day

It was time for the funeral. As per Viking tradition, it was the chief who said the words of farewell.

"There do I see my mother, my father, my brothers, and my sisters. They bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla. For a young child has fallen. A future chieftain, a son, a friend."

I whispered so quietly that no one could hear me. "Hiccup, you have made your choice and you are the bravest of them all because you see dragons for what they can be and not what they seem to be. You would've made a wonderful chieftain one day and I hope you come back to take your rightful place as leader of our tribe."

The next day

Hiccup's POV

It was almost nightfall and we'd been flying all day. I had switched who I had been riding multiple times throughout today. I was riding Lagoon when I started wondering if we would ever get there when I saw a huge waterfall. "Okay. We are here. We have made it to the ancestral home of all dragons." Lagoon was clearly relieved to have made it here. I knew we would be safe because you have to be able to fly to get down there.

We were amazed when we flew down the waterfall. It was beyond words to describe this new world's beauty.

We neared the top of a smaller waterfall.

"Lagooooon!" said an excited voice.

"Frost!" The two were so happy to see each other that I just had a feeling that this was the Night Furies' father. The male Night Fury was black, but he had some light gray spots that looked like frost on a window or a still puddle. He also had bright green eyes like Moon's and Toothless's.

"Lagoon, I thought you were dead. I looked everywhere for you. But, I couldn't find you. I'm so glad you are safe." said the new Night Fury. I think his name is Frost.

"I had some trouble. While I was participating in a raid I had to find a place to lay my eggs. And you know very well that I would want them to be strong enough to make the journey here. And I couldn't very well leave any of them behind so I had to wait five years." She told Frost. "Come introduce yourselves." She said to her children. I decided to stay back. "This is Moon, Dawn, Toothless, and Streak. Moon, Dawn, Toothless and Streak, this is your father, Frost. Frost is also the king around here so you are to behave."

"Hello, father." They all said in unison.

"Hello, my children. It is not often that I find out that my mate whom I thought was dead, is actually alive and has children with her. I'm so glad that you guys are the reason that she hasn't been able to come back and that those awful vikings didn't kill her." Frost replied. Well, now I know for sure that it was a good idea to hang back. He really doesn't like vikings and I don't think that I would be an exception. Especially since I'm in his kingdom. "I am going to make an announcement that my mate has returned. Right now."

"Wait, what about Hiccup," said Moon. Lagoon stiffened. Oh no, this is not going to end well, is it?

"Who?" Frost demanded. The siblings exchanged glances.

"Our friend, Hiccup," replied Moon.

"What kind of dragon is named, Hiccup!?" They exchanged another glance. This is REALLY bad.

Frost then caught sight of me from the corner of his eye. I couldn't stop shaking. Especially as he roared louder than I have ever heard a dragon or human speak in my entire life.

"Why is there a VIKING in my kingdom!!!???"


I hope you are enjoying this. Also, I hope it is suspenseful enough. Let me know how I am doing because I really have no idea if this is any good or not.

Again thank you all for reading my book.


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