No Going Back

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Lagoon's POV

I felt awful for having to dump such horrible news on Hiccup. Especially on his birthday of all days. But he had to know. 

Hiccup seemed to take this information in, and I watched his expression slowly sadden. After several minutes, his frown was replaced by a determined look. I groaned inwardly. 'He's going to try and make us stay, isn't he?' I asked myself, it was the last thing that I needed right now.

"Then I go with you," he replied.

I turned to look at my children to make sure that I had heard him correctly. They were exchanging glances before turning their pleading gazes on me.

He must have seen the shocked look on my face because he said, "I mean it, I'm coming with you." He stopped, a realization dawning on him. "Will you let me? Please?" he asked with wide eyes.

My children were still giving me pleading eyes as I made up my mind. "Are you sure that this is what you want?" He nodded furiously. "Then yes, you can come."

"Ummm... But before we go... Can- can I tell my only human friend that- that I'm leaving. Can- can he meet you?" He was staring at his feet. "It's okay if you say no," he mumbled. I narrowed my eyes slightly. We'd need to work on his confidence. There was no way that he'd survive if he was forever second-guessing himself.

I felt conflicted about letting another human know about us. I frowned as I considered his question. 'On the one paw, Hiccup has good judgement. On the other paw, though, it's another human. But... it'll be another hatchling...' I'd be able to kill the hatchling if he stepped out of line.

"All right, he can meet us... But we leave tomorrow. Okay?"

A huge grin broke across his face, causing a warm feeling to settle in my stomach. One I recognized from whenever I made my hatchlings happy. "Thank you!" he exclaimed as he rushed forward, hugging my neck.

"Now off you go. You don't want to make your father worry about you."

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Hiccup," I whispered as he ran off.

The next day

Hiccup's POV

I was leaving tonight. The thought sent a pang through my heart. I have no plans to return to Berk after I leave. So this will be the last time I visit Fishlegs. I had everything that could be moved without suspicion in a basket that I had packed this morning.

"Hi, Fishlegs," I said as I walked up to him.

He looked up at me, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Hi, Hiccup, do you wanna go to the stream again?"

I shook my head. "No. I wanna show you something. But you gotta pr-prom-ise to keep it sec-cret. 'Kay?"

He continued to smile at me. "'Course, I promise," he replied immediately.

"Come on," I told him as I ran towards the forest.

"Now, don't freak out, they're not gonna hurt you..." I paused. "Well, if you don't hurt them."

"Okay..." he replied as he followed me down before stopping with wide eyes. "Them?" he squeaked. "Who's them?"

I chose not to answer. "DON'T FREAK OUT!" I repeated as I lead him into the cove. "And DON'T TELL ANYONE!" By then, we had reached the cove, and Fishlegs just stared, forgetting his previous question. "Is this what you wanna show me 'cause it's beautiful."

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