Return to Berk

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Valka's POV

My daughter comes home today. I wish she had said goodbye at least. She left and I miss her dearly. I remember clearly what happened when I woke up a month ago.


I woke up to the sound of birds singing. It was about an hour after sunrise. The first thing I noticed was that I was the only person in our house. That surprised me because Delta usually was awake and doing her morning routine, sharpening her knives; stretching; and so on, right now.

After Hiccup's death, I feared the worst. I frantically looked around the house for any signs of her. When I looked beside my bed, I found a paper that looked as if it had been held in someone's hand for a while and then released. I carefully unfolded the paper. The message was brief.

'Dear Mother,

I will be going to practice for dragon training in the field.

I will see you in a month's time.


I sighed in relief. I only have to wait a month to see her again.

*End of flashback*

Delta's POV

I saw Berk approaching. I turned and looked at my brother who looked extremely anxious. I smiled at him and brushed my wing-tip against his, to reassure him. Despite his anxiety about returning to the place he'd left behind ten years ago, I was happy he was here. Even if he would be staying at the cove and not in the village.

It was midafternoon when we arrived in the cove. I changed back to human and we said goodbye.

I got to the village during supper time. I walked up to my hut and knocked on the door since I felt that just walking in would be awkward.

It was my dad who opened the door. Great. When he saw that it was me and not an angry viking who had a problem, he stared.

"Well, who is it?" That was Rowan.

All I said was, "Hi dad." And smiled. My dad just picked me up in a bone-shattering hug, which was probably the most shocking thing that has happened to me in the last month. Which is saying a lot.

By the time he released me, Rowan and my mom had gotten bored of waiting to see who it was and come to see for themselves. When they saw me I was squashed even more than I had been by my father.

I was eventually allowed to breathe again before getting pelted with questions from my excited brother, angry father, and happy mother.

After they had finished I just said that I was exhausted and was going to sleep in the woods.

"Must you?" Asked my mother.

"No, but having lived by myself for an entire month living with other people is weird. And no you may not come with me, Rowan."

He quickly closed his mouth seeing that this was the end of the discussion.

I said goodnight and walked out of the door, to go see Hiccup.

Astrid's POV

Where is she going? I had seen her go to her house from the woods and now she was going back into the woods. Might as well follow her to see what she's doing.

I followed her while remaining at a safe distance. After twenty minutes I was wondering if she was actually going to lead me anywhere when she jumped into a cove.

When I looked over the edge of the cliff I found Delta standing in front of a strange man who was wearing black armor. Delta and the stranger hugged. The armor he was wearing was strangely familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before. He said something and pointed at a cave.

Delta seemed oblivious to my presence because she went into a cave on one side of the cove. The stranger looked into the cave and nodded to himself, then he stared up at me and motioned for me to come down.

I came into the cove and he growled at me. I must have looked scared because his eyes widened; "I am so sorry. I sometimes get confused between the two languages. What I meant to say was, what is your name?"

"First, of all it's Astrid. And second of all, I should be asking the questions because this is my home, not yours."

"By all means ask away. Let's just be quiet so we don't wake her up. She does not take well to those who follow her around. Believe me, I've only done it once." For some reason, I started to like this guy even if I still couldn't place where I know him from.

"What is your name? What are you doing here? Have we met before? Where do you come from? And is there anything else I should know about you?"

"My name is Hiccup, I am here to protect Delta. We have met before when we were very young. I cannot tell you where I come from because that question is very complicated and I would like to be your friend because I only have one and I haven't seen him in years. Is there anything I should know about you?" Did he really just ask to be my friend? I mean we just met, wait no we didn't. I met him when we were really young. It wouldn't be the worst idea, at least I'll be able to keep an eye on him.

"Yes, I'd like to be your friend. But, who is your family?"

"If I tell you, promise me that you won't freak out and that you'll give me a chance to be your friend and you won't tell anyone I am here, please."

"Why?" Who could be so awful that I wouldn't want to be friends with him because of them?

"Promise or I won't tell."

"Ok, fine, I promise."

"My adoptive parents are Night Furies because I ran away from my home when I was five, but everyone thinks I'm dead."

"Wait, you mean you live with dragons and they didn't kill you?"

"Of course, they didn't. Why would they kill me? Vikings have just assumed that they are awful when really they should be the best of friends."

"They would kill you because they are monsters. They steal from us, they kill us, they destroy our buildings. We couldn't be friends. Not in a thousand years." I was starting to whisper-shout.

"If that is what you want to believe, then I guess I have to show you how amazing they are. Meet me here right after training, and don't bring any weapons. Don't come while Delta's here. But, she'll be caught up tomorrow because everyone will want to know what she did out on her own." With that, I had a lot to think about.

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