Direct Orders

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5 years later

Lagoon's POV

"Please, Toothless."



"I said no."

"It's not fair."

"I don't care."

"You have your soulmate here. I haven't seen the love of my life since the last time you let me visit her. OVER A YEAR AGO."

"It's too dangerous."

"I'd risk my life 1 000 000 times to go see her again."

"And I'm going to make sure you don't."

"Now you won't even let me write to her."

"Because I won't risk the lives of others either."

"It isn't even that I just want to see her we also need Berk's help."

"We don't need Berk's help defeating the Fury Killer."

"Yes, we do. If we don't get their help we'll all perish. He knows how to take down every dragon here, but he doesn't know how to take down Berk."

"The alpha protects them all."

"Well, then you should ask Berk."

They'd been arguing all morning. It unsettled everyone. At that last comment, Hiccup flew away.

"You should let him go."

"What! No!"

"Toothless, can't you see the way he looks at her? How he's always thinking about her? She's his soulmate. You haven't let Hiccup see her for an entire year. I'm shocked he hasn't hurt you for it. Soulmates usually can't last too long without each other. Sometimes when dragons are without their soulmate or their soulmate dies, they go crazy. Other times they stop doing anything and die. You've been torturing him mentally."

"But, he's going to die if I let him go. The Fury Killer is still out there. He will do anything to kill every last Fury."

"I know you wouldn't be able to last this long without Sky."

"Of course, I could. Hiccup just needs to calm down. He's being unreasonable. I'm not letting him go. End of story."

Hiccup needs to go see her again. I thought about it for a while. That might just work...

1 week later

Toothless's POV

Hiccup stopped talking to me. In fact, he hasn't left his cave. He also blocked the entrance. I could probably knock it down, but he is already annoyed enough.

Finally, Hiccup walked out of the cave. "Well, it looks like someone finally decided that they've had enough of being in a cave."

"Sure." He said still not looking at me.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"I don't care." He started walking away from me. I was about to call after him when he took off. Leaving me behind.

Sky walked up to me. "Well, he sure left in a hurry."

"Thank you for pointing that out."

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