Secrets Revealed

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Astrid's POV

I saw Hiccup and Moon fly east and intercept more dragons. They all turned west. I was in shock. Not because Hiccup was leaving, I always knew that he'd have to go home. Not because he left without me, I had made room for the possibility that he might not be able to take me with him. No, I was shocked because I understood him, while he was a dragon.

I heard footsteps running towards me. I was pretty sure it was Delta.

"Hiccup, wait!!!!!!!" I heard her yell. "Where are you going?"

"Delta." She continued shouting after Hiccup. "Delta," I said a bit louder. Still, she shouted at Hiccup. "DELTA!!!!!"


"Calm down. I'll tell you what happened."

After I finished explaining to her why he left and where he was going, Delta sat down. "Hmmph."

"There's no need to pout. He'll come back."

"I wish he would've said goodbye." She mumbled.

"I know, but he was in a hurry." I heard more footsteps running up behind me.

"Was that a Night Fury?" Asked Snotlout.

"No, it was a flying yak," I replied sarcastically.

"Really? I've always wanted to see one of those."

"She was being sarcastic Tuffnut. Of course, it was a Night Fury. I haven't seen one since..." Snotlout trailed off, obviously forgetting when the last time he'd seen a Night Fury had been. "You know what I've seen one so there."

"Ughhhhhh... Stop trying to win me over Snotlout. I already have a boyfriend."

"WHAT?" Snotlout screamed in outrage.

"You heard me, and it's not you."


"C'mon Ruff, Delta let's go have a sleepover."

"I don't want to have a sleepover."

"Awww... Please, Delta. It'll cheer you up."

"Yeah, Delta. Please!!!!!! It'll be fun." Ruffnut pleaded.

"Why do they get to have a sleepover?" I heard Snotlout mumble to Fishlegs.

Ruffnut and I glared at him and he quickly apologized.

"Fine. But, I get to choose where."

"Deal." Ruffnut and I agreed quickly.

Later in the Evening

We were all settled in the cove.

Delta spoke up, "I have an idea."

"What?" We said eagerly.

"What if we find a dragon for Ruff. I mean you know Astrid has Stormfly, and I've tried bonding with dragons. But, I can't bond with any around here. So, why not find one for Ruff so she can fly too."

"Yes, please," Ruff said.

"I think it's a great idea."

We set off in search of a Zippleback because Ruff NEVER wants to be parted from her brother and she wants something destructive.

After about an hour we found Zippleback prints.

It was Ruff who found it actually. "It's right there. What do I do?"

"You walk up to it, slowly. Make sure you aren't carrying any weapons. Then you reach out your hand and hopefully, it'll touch your hand with its nose. Or in this case noses." I told her. And Delta nodded.

Ruffnut carefully walked towards the Zippleback. The Zippleback had turned around because it heard her breathing loudly. "Hey, it's okay. I don't have any weapons. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to be friends." The Zippleback cocked its head at the soothing words. Ruffnut was close enough for her to reach her hand out. She did so. The Zippleback regarded her outstretched hand curiously and placed its left head against her hand. "Hey there. Do you want to be my friend."

With that over, we went back to the cove.

"Do guys want to go flying?" I asked. Delta nodded her head excitedly.

"I do, but Delta has no dragon to fly on." Ruff pointed out. I gave Delta a pointed glance.

"Why must I do this?"

"Because she's your friend," I responded. Delta and Ruffnut paused.

"What aren't you telling me?" Ruffnut demanded.

While Delta asked, "You can understand dragonease?"

"What's dragonease?" Asked Ruffnut.

"Yes, I can. And it's the language of the dragons, Ruffnut."

"Since when?" Demanded Delta.

"Since Hiccup left."

"Wait, Hiccup left? Ohhhh! Is he your boyfriend, Astrid."

"You know what I'll tell her. And yes, Hiccup is Astrid's boyfriend, Ruffnut." Delta inhaled. "Ruffnut, I don't need a dragon to fly. Because... Was it this hard for Hiccup to tell you?"

"Yes, he didn't really tell. He kind of flew to my house in Night Fury form, took me to a sea stack and changed back while I was looking at a seagull and then told me."

"Huh? How can Hiccup be human and a Night Fury? And what does that have to do with Delta?"

"Well, you see, Ruffnut. Hiccup and I, we're half-dragon. We were born that way. We had two human parents, but we loved dragons so much, that our souls were that of a dragon. Well, at least that's what the dragon legend says. I am the dragon princess."

"REALLY!? That is SO cool! Can I see?"

"Sure. Why not? And then we can fly together?"

"Of course," I told her.

Delta turned into a Night Fury. I hadn't realized it before but her form was the twin to Hiccup's save for her bright blue eyes.

"Delta, you know your Night Fury form is almost the same as Hiccup's except that you have blue eyes and his are green."


"Yea, look. Your tail is lighter gray than the rest. Just like Hiccup."


Then she got sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I don't want to go flying anymore. You know what. Maybe I'll just go home."

"Is this about Hiccup leaving without saying goodbye?"

"What? No! Of course, not... Maybe? ......Yah."

I relayed what Delta had said to Ruffnut.

"Delta you don't have to be sad. We're here for you. We're your friends. That's what friends are for. To be there when you need them." Said Ruffnut, being unusually logical.

Delta shifted back into human form. She had her head down.

"Yeah, Delta we're here for you." She looked up with tears running down her face.

"Thanks, guys that means a lot to me."

Ruffnut and I hugged her, and soon the dragons joined us, making Delta laugh.

"Looks like you have them too." Commented Ruffnut. We laughed.

"Yes, yes, I do."


I know I said in the last chapter that I said I had a lot of schoolwork to do. But... I enjoy writing this story too much so yeah.

I will actually be doing my schoolwork now though so no idea when I will update again. Sorry again. But, school is important so no complaints. If I get complaints I will not update for longer because you all need to understand that this ain't my priority.

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