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The Next Day

Hiccup's POV

When I woke up, it was just after dawn, and my parents were nowhere to be found. They're probably relieved that I didn't cause any trouble today... I thought to myself disappointed before a smile grew on my face. I'll go and visit Toothless! I got up to walk outside, but as soon as I got out the door, I heard my father speak to me.

"Hiccup, are you ready?" he asked me with a broad grin.

"Ready?" I replied, tilting my head sideways in confusion.

"It's your first day of chiefing lessons! And the best part is that I get to teach you everything! We get to spend so much time together!" he stated as he grabbed my hand, leading me into the village. "We'll have lessons three times a week! Aren't you excited!" he exclaimed, a twinkle glowing in his forest green eyes.

Ugh, chiefing lessons! It's not like I want to be chief. I'll have to solve problems for other people... I'll have to make really important decisions... I'll have so much pressure put on me. Why does it have to be me! But besides all of these thoughts, I smiled and said, with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, "yes dad! It gonna be lotsa fun."

2 hours later

I was following my dad around, listening to what he did in each situation, when we ran into the gang, or Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, and Astrid. As usual, Snoutlout and the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, started making fun of me. Calling me weak, a fishbone, and other annoying, demeaning names. Fishlegs, as always, protested against this, asking them to leave me alone while Snoutlout and the Twins ignored him. Astrid... well... let's just say that the blue eyed, blonde, wanted nothing to do with anyone. She opted to stay out of the way, ignoring everyone... Including me. I hate it when they make fun of me. I wish they would just leave me alone. Maybe if I don't say or do anything they'll give up eventually. What am I thinking! It's hopeless!

1 hour later

At long last walked back into our house. Finally! Now I can go see Toothless, and hang out with someone I actually like, unlike all of the other kids. Except Fishlegs... Fishlegs is the best. However, I wasn't as lucky as I thought because as soon as we got inside, my mom decided to ask me what I had learned today. Of course, I told her everything we had done and how my dad handled each situation. Although, I wouldn't stop fidgeting throughout the entire conversation. I was just too eager to get going.

When we finished the conversation I asked, "Can I play now?"

"Just one minute son. I need to remind you that you are working with Gobber in the shop tomorrow at noon. And be back by sundown at the latest."

"K, I 'memember! Thanks, dad."

Toothless's POV

I've been waiting ALL day. When was he going to be back?

Well, I guess he didn't actually want to be my friend, he was just happy that I was there when he needed someone. I sighed deeply, flopping onto the ground. I miss him, I actually thought I would have someone to play with other than my siblings. I'm going back into the cave now, I decided in defeat.

A few minutes later, I heard running footsteps. Could it be? Is it him? Sure enough, I saw Hiccup start to climb down the rocks. "Hiccup! You came back!"

"Of course, Toothless. I missed you, had trouble and couldn't get 'way."

I was jumping all over him. I finally settled down enough to ask my question. "Would you like to meet my mom and sisters and brother?" I somehow knew he was going to say yes before he did.

"Yeah! They like me?"

"Of course! Just be careful around my mom. She's very suspicious of Vikings."

"'kay!" he exclaimed with a huge green in his green eyes that were the same shade as my own.

"Follow me!" I can't wait for my family to meet him. He is so awesome!

"Mom, Moon, Dawn, Streak, I want you to meet my new friend." My family came out of the cave. My mom took one look at Hiccup and froze.

"What is he doing here?" she hissed, recoiling so that she was protecting Moon, Dawn and Streak.

"He is my friend!" I retorted. "And he can understand us. He is so nice!"

"Um. Hi, Toothlessessess mom. Promise I not hurt you," Hiccup told her as he kept his eyes fixed on the ground as if he was fearing retaliation for something he hadn't even done. My mom kept her guard up with narrowed eyes. She nodded after a moment's hesitation. Thank goodness, I thought as I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then my siblings all started talking at the same time."Toothless, can we say hello to your friend?" "He's not going to hurt us, is he?" "What's his name?"

After three years I was used to them speaking over top of each other. I was certainly guilty of the same thing. "His name is Hiccup, and no Moon he won't hurt us, and Dawn, like I just said, he can understand us, so ask him not me," I replied in a patient manner.

I looked at Hiccup who looked shocked that I had heard all of their questions, and was able to answer them all so quickly.

"So, who Moon and who Dawn?" Hiccup asked, clearly figuring out who the other male was and that his name is Streak. He is so smart. I'm starting to like this kid more and more.

"I'm Moon, I have scales forming crescent moons beside my eyes, if it helps," said Moon.

"And I'm Dawn, it helps to think of it like the dawn is breaking on my nose," stated Dawn. 

Hiccup nodded solemnly until a mischevious grin took its place. "Let's play!" Hiccup shouted. We instantly started tackling each other. After a while, we switched to hide 'n' go seek before starting to tackle each other again. While we were tackling each other, Hiccup started drawing. We eventually came up and watched him. Then we started trying to draw too, none of us were anywhere near as good as him, though. The whole time my mom watched us very carefully, especially Hiccup. I wish she trusted him more, but I guess as long as she's not attacking him it's fine.

We played until the sky started to darken, which Hiccup promptly noticed. 

He quickly erased his drawing, leaving no trace that he had been here at all. He proceeded to say goodbye, promising to return as soon as possible. He then took off at a run, hoping that he would get home in time, and not be in trouble. We had had so much fun playing with him that we fell asleep as soon as we returned to the cave after dinner. 

I knew that we all hoped for him to return tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next. Well, all of us except possibly my mom, but I think she likes Hiccup more than she is letting on.


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