The Surprise

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Hiccup's POV

We had just got back from the raid. Everyone came to welcome us. And by everyone, I mean almost every dragon in the Hidden World. I put on my best smile for them all and decided to fly back to our home, where I knew mom was waiting for me.

When I got back to our cave I saw that my whole family was there.

I wanted to go to sleep, but I suddenly found myself underneath a pile of dragons, who were all extremely happy that I was back and safe. Eventually, they got off and I was then tackled by Delta and Heather, which was far less painful. When they let go of me I smiled and walked up to my mom. We nuzzled each other and I went to sleep on everything that I had learned on this trip.

Four days later

Delta had finally mastered our language. It had taken her only ten days, which was pretty impressive because hatchlings usually take a year to master it. But, then again she already knows Norse so it's probably a bit easier.

I still can't believe that I had returned to my village without realizing it. I was mad at myself for not recognizing it. But, I was even more mad that I had never tried to visit. I mean sure it would be extremely dangerous, but when has anything ever not been dangerous.


Why am I fretting over this now? What's done is done. If I truly missed the village I would've gone back by now and visited, despite all of the dangers. Even if I don't miss the village, I do miss Gobber and Fishlegs and my mom and my dad. Really they are the only humans who have ever cared about me, besides Heather and now Delta of course.

Well, time to start training my little sister something far more fun than speaking dragonease.

I smiled to myself and jumped on her in my dragon form, being careful not to squash her.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh, it's you."

I laughed because her face was hilarious. "You should've seen the look on your face. That was so funny."

"Haha, so funny. Why did you have to wake me up? I never get to sleep in at home, you could at least be courteous and let me sleep in while I'm here."

"Two things. First of all, I wanted to see your reaction, which I must say was hilarious."

"So, you've told me."

"Second of all, I did let you sleep in because it's almost noon."

"WHAT!?, you let me sleep in until noon! I'm only here for 17 more days!"

"Well, I only got up an hour ago. I was up late flying because I couldn't sleep and this morning I was thinking about stuff, so yah."

She just glared at me.


"Nevermind, let's just go. I guess I still have some more dragon princess stuff to learn."

"Actually, no you don't. We are doing something far more fun today."


"Yep, but we're going to be late so hurry up."

Delta's POV

We flew outside and to a nearby sea stack, where, Moon, Dawn, Toothless and Streak were waiting for us. They flew out to meet us midair.

"What took you so long?" Asked Streak while smiling.

"This is going to be so much fun." Added Dawn.

"What's going to be so much fun?" I asked.

"Wait, you didn't tell her yet?" Asked Moon.

"Of course, he didn't. He obviously wanted it to be a surprise." Replied Toothless.

"You know me too well, Toothless." Replied Hiccup.

"Is no one going to fill me in? I mean, it kind of feels like you're talking about me."

"Sorry, but we're teaching you the other thing." They all said at the same time while forgetting to mention what that other thing might be.

Then Toothless took charge. "Hiccup, you get the drop."

"Wait, what do mean Hiccup gets the drop," I demanded. What's 'the drop'? 'The drop' does not sound good.

Toothless just ignored me and carried on assigning positions"Dawn, Moon, you get to wait at the bottom. Streak, you and I are on warning. Now everyone, take your positions."

Hiccup flew very high up and when he saw Toothless give him a signal, he flipped over dropping me. What the... Why would they do this to me!? Are they trying to kill me!?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I was so startled that I didn't even speak in dragonease.

I kept falling and falling until I felt Moon grab me. Not about to trust any of them I decided to grab onto her legs and let go when we flew over a sea stack.

When we were back on the sea stack I yelled at them. "Why in the name of Thor would you do that?"

"Well, plan A was to scare you into shifting, but clearly, that didn't work. Plan B is to just get you to imagine being a dragon. Hiccup said that's how he shifted for the first time." Toothless explained and I made myself seem calmer, but really, I was raging at them.

"You couldn't have just said so?"

"Like I just said, we wanted to scare you into shifting. If you had known what was going to happen you wouldn't have been scared. Now try to imagine flying, and breathing fire and being a dragon."

I did exactly that. I imagined wings spreading out and catching the air so I could glide. I imagined the spray of saltwater while I flew just above the ocean at high speeds. I imagined the warmth of fire inside of me. I imagined being free to fly and help others. Being free to be, myself.

I heard a gasp from the dragons surrounding me. I decided it was a good time to see if I had done it. I looked over my shoulder and I saw glossy black scales, large bat-like wings, and a long tail. I turned around in a circle admiring myself. I was a dragon. Wow.

"If you had asked me what I'd be doing right now, a month ago. Hanging out with my older brother, being adopted by Night Furies, and turning into a dragon would probably be at the bottom of my list."

They all laughed at that.

After a while Hiccup said; "Now, we get to spend the rest of the day teaching you to fly and how to be a dragon."

"This is going to be fun. I finally get to fly solo. This was another reason why I needed to learn the language wasn't it?"

They all nodded and started instructing me how to fly.


I am no longer going to do author/note at the end of a chapter unless it's really important.


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