How War Starts

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Hiccup's POV

I was waiting for Astrid. I wished I could stay longer and catch up with all my friends, but I knew that the longer I stayed here the more vulnerable the Hidden World would be.

It was too bad that they were all still out looking for medical supplies.

"Hiccup. What are you doing up so early?" I heard my dad call.

"I've made a very big mistake coming here, it's too dangerous for me to stay any longer. Also, I need to get back, my home is vulnerable."

"When are you leaving?" Dad sounded sad now.

"As soon as Astrid shows up."

"Astrid's going with you?"

"Yes, she wanted to and I think it is about time for her to see my home."

"Okay. Have a safe trip. I'll see you soon."

"You will?"

"Yes, I've decided to help you win this war against Grimmel." He must have seen the confusion on my face because he clarified, "The Fury Killer, that's his real name, Grimmel the Grisly."

"Good to know. I think the Fury Killer is more accurate though."

"Hiccup! Let's go!" I heard Astrid call.

"Bye, dad. See you soon."

"Bye son." He said and hugged me.

I climbed on behind Astrid and we took off.

After a half-hour of flying, I jumped off of Stormfly and shifted. Astrid laughed, "I never get tired of this."

"Well, you're half-dragon, it makes sense. We never get tired of flying. Well, except when we get tired while flying." Stormfly said. Then out of nowhere, I smelled something.

"Hey, Stormfly. Do you smell that?"

"Ughhhh! Hookfang get out here right now before I make you!" Stormfly shouted.

"Hookfang!!!! We are supposed to be stealthy!!!!" Snotlout yelled.

"Stormfly already knew you were here, Snotlout."

"Fine, whatever. Hey! Who's the Night Fury?"



"His name is Blackmoon."

"Hey, where's Hiccup? You left together and now he's not here."

"Fine, just tell him the truth, but make him swear not to tell anyone."

"I'll tell you,"


"But... you can't tell anyone and you have to go back to Berk immediately."


"Good, so Blackmoon, is actually Hiccup."

"Well, if you're not going to tell me then just say so!"

"I just did. You know what... Just go back to Berk."

"Why should I?"

"Because we don't want you to know where we're going. So leave. Or I'll make you."

"Alright, alright, I'm going."

"Well, that could've gone worse." Hiccup stated.

"Not by much," Astrid muttered.

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