Living Like A Dragon

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10 years later

Hiccup's POV

Toothless and I have been travelling the world, discovering new places and saving dragons of all shapes and sizes from dragon hunters. We've visited Berk once, although it was a huge disappointment. Because there was, absolutely. No. Change. Whatsoever. I mean really why can't they listen to my mom and try to see the good in these beautiful creatures.

I've written letters to Fishlegs and left them with Trader Johan. They are all written in the code that we made up all those years ago. I have gotten letters in return but the most shocking one was the letter he sent me recently after I sent him my first letter. Anyway, that was the letter telling me that I had a younger sister and brother. Their names were Delta and Rowan. Delta had long red hair and blue eyes, she was to be the future chieftess of Berk.

Delta was kind to the dragons. She would listen to my mom and she actually saw the good in them. Delta is exactly like my mom. She loves dragons and she actually goes around trying to save them. I've thought about going to see Fishlegs and Delta but I always change my mind from doing it. Rowan had short brown hair and blue eyes as well. He was exactly like my father going around, killing dragons. It was awful to hear.

I met Trader Johan a month after I had moved in with the dragons. He had been sailing off the coast of Itchy Armpit when we had swooped down and almost attacked his boat. He eventually convinced us that he meant no harm to us or any dragons. We traded with him paying a bit of gold that I had found so that he would give my letter to Fishlegs and he said that he would meet us at Itchy Armpit every month. I would always bring some of the new inventions that I was always creating to trade with.

Sometimes I get a letter in return from Fishlegs. Usually, he was asking if I would return. But, I always said no because they wouldn't accept me and they wouldn't accept my adopted family either. And I'm not going anywhere without them. Mind you I still missed my mother, father, Gobber, and Fishlegs but Berk wasn't my home anymore. My home is the Hidden World even if my so-called adoptive father still hates me.

Toothless and I have been going around flying as we always do. When we see a hunter ship. "You want to go save those dragons?" I asked my brother.

"Are you seriously asking me that? Of course, I want to save the dragons. So what's the plan?"

"Don't worry I was just teasing you. And the plan is you distract them, I use my flight suit to get me to the mast and I sneak on board while you are causing havoc."

"So the usual. Won't they expect that?"

"They are too stupid to realize we keep using the same plan. The only way that they'll expect it is if Viggo's onboard. And in that case, we revert to plan B. I cause the distraction and you sneak on board and free the dragons."

"Okay, okay. Let's do this thing."

We start our plan and a net immediately grabs me from the sky. After living with dragons for the past ten years I really don't want to hit the deck of that boat because I know that landing on that deck in a net is a death sentence. I felt the net expand and I saw wings. Wings. Where did these black wings come from? Could it be Toothless? But, no I saw him with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Where's Hiccup? And who's the Night Fury?" said Moon. Oh thank goodness, the others are here. But, how did they not see me? What other Night Fury? I saw Toothless point at me.

"That's not Hiccup. Idiot. That's a Night Fury. Last time I checked Hiccup was a human, not a Night Fury." Dawn said. I looked down at myself. What I saw was the last thing I expected. I saw that I wasn't a human. I was a dragon. Before the hunters could recover from my strange transformation. I felt, gas build up in my mouth and shot a plasma blast at the net and it incinerated. I tried to get my wings to work but they just wouldn't do anything.

"Could you guys please give me a hand. I don't know how to work my wings."


"Yes, now please help me!" I said urgently. Moon and Dawn came and snatched me out of the hunter's grasp. While Streak and Toothless shot at the deck creating holes for the dragons on board to escape from and to disrupt the crew even more so that they can't catch their sisters and brother.

After we escaped from the hunters we landed on a sea stack a few hours away.

"Okay, I have a few questions." Stated Moon.

"Okay, but I warn you that I am probably not able to answer them," I said.

"So, what happened?"

"Well, Toothless and I were on our morning flight when we saw a hunter ship. We decided to free the dragons on the ship because it is so sad that they are trapped there. Anyway, we decided to do what we normally do to free the dragons. Where I sneak into the ship while Toothless distracts them we had a backup plan where I would distract them while Toothless frees them but it didn't work. I got shot down by a net before we could even begin to execute either plan. I started to panic and then I saw black wings. And now I am a Night Fury and I don't know how I became one and I don't know how to change back either. Although I like being a dragon. It is cool but I can't fly. So yeah, that's pretty much all that I know."

They all just stared at me. Until Streak spoke up: "We could teach you how to fly."

"You would?"

"Of course we would. You are our brother after all." Said Dawn.

They spent the rest of the day trying to teach me how to fly. To be honest, flying is way harder than it seems. They gave me all kinds of pointers like in what positions I should put my tail fins in to do different moves. We had so much fun. I was kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to change between Viking and dragon. But, I would leave that problem for tomorrow. Right now I would have fun flying with my siblings.


I have decided to start drawing my own pictures (The picture for this chapter was also done by me). They may not be the best but I think it is better if I make this completely my own.

Thank you all again for reading my book and please tell me how I am doing.


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