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Astrid's POV

I saw Hiccup in the woods pacing back and forth and muttering to himself in a language I didn't recognize. He seems really agitated.

"Hi, Hiccup." He looked up at me and seemed surprised that I was there.

"Hey, Astrid." He gave me a weak smile.

"Are you okay? You seem very upset."

"I'm not... upset. More like... How do I put this?... Worried."

"Worried about what?" I waited a little bit before saying, "Hiccup you can trust me. I'm not going to betray you. Or bully you." He gave me a curious glance. What was that about?

"You promise?"

"Of course, I do. You are my friend."

"Okay, Hiccup. Now's the time to do this. You promised yourself that you'd show her." He said quietly to himself, and it was my turn to give him a curious glance.

He stood there for a while seeming to have a conversation with himself and then sagged in defeat.

"I'm sorry." He told me. "I can't. Not yet."

"Why not?" I shouldn't have asked, but I needed to know.

He looked up at me "Because I'm scared."

I stood there and he walked away, and I let him. I shouldn't have. But I did.

Hiccup's POV

Why didn't I do it? I trust her. I know I do. But, I guess I just don't go telling people that I'm the Dragon Prince. That I can turn into a dragon. A Night Fury.


What should I do? Then I came up with a plan.

That might just work.

Delta's POV

When I got to the cove it was nearly dark and I saw Hiccup talking with Moon. I saw that Hiccup wanted to do something important.

"Do you guys want to go flying?"

"Yeah. I need to stretch my wings." We decided it'd be nice to fly over the village.

There's Astrid who was returning to her house, probably after practicing with her ax. Fishlegs was sitting by a cliff looking up at the stars. Ruff and Tuff were pulling a prank on Snotlout. And Rowan was sitting with Mom and Dad.

I heard Hiccup give a sad coo and found him looking at Fishlegs. That's right they were best friends and haven't seen each other in years. Poor Hiccup I couldn't imagine leaving everything behind like that. All he took with him were things and memories. Sure he'd get the odd letter from Fishlegs, but he missed out on actually being there.

Our flight ended early and I felt like I needed to spend some more time with Mom and Dad. Mostly, because I knew that Hiccup and Moon would be leaving soon and then I would be on my own.

Astrid's POV

I saw shadows up in the sky. They're probably Hiccup's family.

I saw Fishlegs also returning to his hut. Snotlout was chasing the twins with multiple fish stuck on his helmet. Delta was probably in the forest waiting for Hiccup and Rowan was probably already asleep.

I was about to go to sleep when a shadow dropped into my window. What the...?

It looked around and then saw me. Then it... smiled? It gestured with its head to get on. I gave it a confused look. It sighed and gave me a stubborn look.

Where have I seen that stubbornness before? The dragon started to glare at me.

Ohhhhh!!!!!!! It wants me to do the hand thing.

I put out my hand and I felt the dragon quickly press its nose against it. The Night Fury was extremely fidgety. It was always looking back as if someone might sneak up on it.

Of course, it doesn't want to be here. And I don't want to be found with a dragon in my house.

I quickly climbed on the mysterious dragon and it took off, straight up. I kept quiet so that no one would hear or see that I was on a dragon even if I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

The strange Night Fury took me out to some sea stacks and landed. I got off and the Night Fury started pacing and mumbling to itself. It sighed.

I heard a seagull fly behind me and turned when I looked back I saw Hiccup standing exactly where the Night Fury had been. He was looking at me and smiling like he was sorry.

"Where'd the Night Fury go?"

"Umm, that's the thing. I... am... the... Night Fury."


"Let's sit down, I'll start from the beginning. So, it all started when I was three. I ran away from my father and found my best friend and, now adoptive brother, Toothless, the Night Fury. I also learned that day that I could understand dragons. Almost two years later the day after my fifth birthday, I faked my death and left my home village. That night I left my best friend and family behind. I also learned that night that I could speak dragonease, the language of the dragons.

"They took me to their home. They adopted me when we got there and it was there that I mastered dragonease and learned how to shapeshift and fly. I've lived there for the past ten years. Now I'm here."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Two reasons. First of all, it's my job and honor to protect the dragons and bring peace between our worlds. And secondly, I choose you because you are my friend." He trusts me.

Then before I knew it I hugged him. "Thank you, for trusting me." We sat there for a while until I spoke up; "Can we go back now? I'm cold."

"Yeah, sure. I want to show you something anyway." He shifted and I climbed on.

Hiccup dived off the side of the sea stack and started to glide. He flew up into the clouds so I could see the night sky and all of the stars. Hiccup then flew over the village and into the trees just outside my village.

"It's beautiful," I whispered to him. "Thank you."

He nuzzled his head against mine and walked away. He looked back and smiled at me. I waved goodbye with a smile and started the short walk back to my hut while Hiccup continued his back to the cove.

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