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Astrid's POV

It was the day where I had to fight the Monstrous Nightmare. Delta and I had been taking care of Hiccup day and night. The village assumed that I was out training and Delta was out moping. We weren't about to correct them so that they would find out about Hiccup. Fishlegs hadn't visited either.

I still couldn't believe that Hiccup had been unconscious for three days. Three days.

"Delta, I don't think that I should go fight the Nightmare."

"Why not?" She asked sleepily.

"Because... I don't want to leave him. And I don't have a plan."

"Well, we can solve both of those problems."

"We can?"

"Yes, I'll watch Hiccup. I mean everyone expects me to be moping. And we can work out a plan together. We still have... three hours."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course, also I'll use the time alone to formulate my plan for pretending to be mopy."

I smiled at her. "Thanks."

We spent the morning thinking up a plan. After two hours we were set and we started working on where Delta had been and what she'd been doing.

"Moon, Stormfly I need you to go to the hidden cave. Take care of Astrid, you know just if her plan goes extremely badly."

They nodded their heads for my benefit. "Okay, let's get going."

30 minutes later

"Astrid! I was so worried about you. Fishlegs do you know how bad this situation could've been! My princess could've died out there by herself! I am so glad you're okay, Astrid."

"Ughhhhhhhh!!!!! I am not your princess, Snotlout. I can take care of myself. Get that through your thick skull."

"Oh, come on, Astrid. I know you like me. You know you like me. Stop playing hard to get."

I lunged. "Say, that one more time and I swear I will make you regret it."


"Just what I thought. Now, I need to get ready so move out of my way."

They stepped out of my way and started following behind me.

"Ah, good morning, Astrid. I see you are ready for today."

"It is my honor, chief."

"Good luck in the ring, lass." Gobber.

"Thank you, Gobber."

"Now, you hurry off lass. We don't want you to be late."

I smiled.

10 minutes later

"Today, we gather here to watch Astrid Hofferson as she becomes a viking. Today, she becomes one of us." I gulped knowing I would never be one of them. I would never kill a dragon.

I picked up my axe and walked into the middle of the ring. "I'm ready."

"Let the fight BEGIN!!!!"

The door to the Nightmare's cage slowly opened. But, as soon as they were completely open the Nightmare burst out of the cage. It scanned the arena looking for a way out. Its eyes finally landed on me. I swallowed. It's now or never, Astrid. I lifted my axe and threw it as far sideways as possible.

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