The Stranger

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2 weeks later

Hiccup's POV

I was flying about an hour away from the hidden world when I heard a Razorwhip's cry for help. Being the dragon-loving person that I am, immediately set out to help this Razorwhip. After about a 2 minute flight I found the Razorwhip. I decided to approach in caution and stay in my Night Fury form so that I wouldn't scare her.

As soon as I saw this Razorwhip, I noticed that she was curled around something protectively. She reminded me of Toothless when he wanted to protect me. She's probably just protecting her hatchlings. It would be safer for me to call out to her so that she doesn't get scared when I come out.

"Hello. My name is Hiccup. I heard your call for help. I came to see if I could help you with your problem."

"Where are you?" I stepped out of the shadows. "Why do you want to help me?"

"I want to help you because I care about all dragons. Anyway, what is wrong?" She shifted around after I asked my question. It was then that I saw what she had curled around. It wasn't a hatchling but a girl about my age.

"We were trying to free some trapped dragons from dragon hunters. They shot a lot of arrows at us. She took one of the arrows that would've hit me. She fell off me and had to fight off at least ten hunters before I could get close enough to save her. She got hurt really badly and I'm afraid that she'll die." I looked the girl over. She was bruised and had some serious cuts that I feared would become infected if not treated properly.

"I understand how you feel towards her."

"Oh. Do you have a human rider too?"

"No. I am not what I seem. I am actually a human who can shift into the form of a Night Fury. But my adoptive family is Night Furies." While I said that I shifted back into my human form. "However, being raised by a mother who teaches you how amazing dragons are, I have come to the realization that I would and could never harm a dragon or someone who sees dragons as equals."

She just stood there with her mouth wide open. So I continued: "I am going to have to sew up some of the bigger cuts and also heal as many of her wounds as possible before you can move her. It will hurt before it gets better. May I see her?"

The Razorwhip let me approach the girl while I looked through my bag to find the materials I needed to heal her. Over the next few hours, I worked on the girl. She woke up about an hour after I had started.


"Hey. It's okay. Your Razorwhip is right here. She's not tied up or anything and neither are you. My name is Hiccup and I'm not a hunter. I'm just trying to help your wounds heal. Some of them are pretty bad and if they aren't dealt with properly they will become infected. That is if you don't die from blood loss alone."

"Okay. My name is Heather and this is my best friend Windshear."

"Can I continue healing your wounds now before you faint?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as Windshear stays here." With that, I continued to stitch up the wounds. After another hour I finally finished with the ones that needed stitches and started to apply medicines to all the rest.

Heather's POV

I rose into consciousness and felt something jabbing my side, right around one of my wounds. What is going on? I thought we had escaped the hunters. Without giving them any sign that I had woken up I screamed. Suddenly, the poking stopped and was replaced by a kind voice. My eyes finally adjusted and I saw the speaker. He was a boy around my age and he was just so calm. He showed me that Windshear was okay and that we weren't in cages or tied up. I realized that if Windshear had let him near me then he must be okay.

I let him continue healing my wounds as I felt extremely dizzy and decided that it would be best to be healed.

After about two hours he finally spoke again: "Okay, I'm all done. I want to ask you guys something. Do you want to come to my home? After all, it is the ancestral home of all dragons. And therefore your home too, Windshear."

Windshear seemed to contemplate the matter then growled a response which I didn't understand. "Okay, fair enough. I made the same decision when I had to leave my village to live with my brother. So Heather. Windshear says that she will go but only if you want to."

I thought about it for a moment. We really didn't have a home. It'd be nice to actually have one. Windshear trusts him.

"Okay, we'll go." I finally said. Then a question crossed my mind. "How did you understand Windshear?"

"Well, when I was three. I met Toothless for the first time. I wished so bad that I could understand him and then I could. I guess if you have a special connection and you want it bad enough it will happen. Anyway, it's not just understanding the dragons. I have the ability to speak their language and to turn into a Night Fury as well." he said. I had my mouth wide open as he transformed. I jumped on Windshear and we took off.

Toothless's POV

Where is he? He has never been gone this long. I hope he is all right. I'd been sitting here for hours. Hiccup was on patrol but he was nowhere to be found. I was very anxious. What if something happened to him? I began to panic. I'll give him five minutes. If he's not back by then I will go look for him myself. It was then that I saw two dots on the horizon. One was black and the other was silver and it kept reflecting the sun into my eyes so that I couldn't look directly at it. Oh, thank goodness. He's all right.

I flew straight at them. "Hiccup!"

"Hey, Toothless. Sorry, I was gone so long but Heather and Windshear needed help. They had a run in with dragon hunters." It was then that I saw that the Razorwhip was carrying a human. Father is not going to like another human in his kingdom. I guess it is time.


I really hope that you like it. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Thank you all.


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