The Night Fury

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3 years later

Valka's POV

I woke up immediately knowing something was wrong. My instincts were confirmed when I couldn't find Hiccup anywhere. Where is he? I groaned when I started to hear shouts from outside, knowing that Hiccup was the cause of it. Why does trouble seem to follow him everywhere? I asked myself as I ran a hand through my hair.

I ran outside, and there was Hiccup, who was chasing the previously caged dragons around. This is not going to end well.

"Hiccup stop that right now!" I shouted, fear flowing through me as I could only watch with growing concern.

"But mom, theys wanna pway. Theys no hurt one." he retorted. And, of course, he was right. These dragons were clearly having fun. They couldn't be farther from the vicious beasts that people believe them to be. But I didn't care. I might not think that they are awful creatures, but I am also not going to take any chances when it comes to my son.

"Hiccup, I don't care. Come back here, right now." He walked towards me, looking dejectedly at the ground. "We have to either set them free or put them back in their cages," I stated.

"Set 'em free," he said, "no hurt 'em."

"Okay, off you go," I told the dragons. They seemed to understand as they all flew off just as Vikings with weapons poured into the square.

"Valka, really?" they complained. "You just let them fly off! We could've killed them, and you would've been safe."

"Well, then it's a good thing that they flew away," I retorted.

I turned to bring Hiccup back into the house, only to find him gone. Where'd Hiccup run off to now?

Stoick's POV

I wake up hearing people shouting at one another. But then I hear Valka's voice. I felt myself groan at what could only be described as a problem. What did Hiccup do now!?

I run outside in time to see a Nadder, a Gronckle, a Zippleback, a Terrible Terror, and a Monstrous Nightmare flying off into the distance.

I see Val shouting at a few Vikings. Hiccup stares right at me with wide eyes when he beholds my anger. I look back at the Vikings and go to break up the fight. That boy is in trouble when I find him! Because when I look back down, he's gone. Smart boy, avoid me until I cool down a bit.

"Stoick," I hear Valka shout after me.

"What is it, Val," I reply, turning to face her.

"Don't hurt him, he's only a boy," she says.

"I was only going to yell at him," I retorted "tell him he could've died."

"Good, because he's still your son" she replied.

"I know," I said.

Hiccup's POV

I woke up today before dawn, and being careful not to make a noise, I slipped out of the house. I decided I wanted to play a game, but at this time of day, there was no one to play with. The realization made me sigh in disappointment. That's when it hit me. I'll go play with the dragons in the arena. They're probably bored too, and I've never played with a dragon before. This is going to be so much fun! I carefully walked up to their cages, deciding to tell them what I had planned.

"Ima let yous out, so we pway," I said. I got approving growls from the dragons, so I unlocked their cages.

We were having a lot of fun, especially with people shouting at us. Well, that is until my mom came up and told me to leave them alone, and that they could either be free or go back in their cages. It broke my heart to see them in those cages, especially now that I knew that they were so much fun so I told her to set them free.

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