The Woods

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Dawn's POV

I had been flying far from the Hidden World. I somewhat remember this path, but I can't place where.

Suddenly, I'm over a familiar-looking island. I see a village and decide to stay away from it and instead head towards the forest that I see.

I was drawn here because I heard a wish. I had always been able to hear wishes. So this wasn't something new. I actually liked granting wishes to people even if I'm not magical, so I can only grant some wishes.

It was when I saw the forest that I knew where I was. Berk. The place that had been my home. And the place I had fled from. The place of birth and destruction. How I missed it and hated it and loved it.

I ended up landing near the village but not so close that I would be found. I'd hide in the trees until whoever had made the wish showed up.

Delta's POV

Training had the exact outcome that I wanted. Although, I could've predicted that. I decided to head to the forest for some alone time. Mostly, because Astrid was hopping mad.

I found myself standing under a tree when a creature nimbly jumped down in front of me. She was a Night Fury and the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen. The dragon my father and brother wanted to kill so much that they would fixate on the dragon whenever they saw one during a raid. This was because this dragon had killed my brother. The one who should've been chief. The one I never met.

It was through my tears of grief that I heard a voice. It wasn't one that I recognized. "Hello, hatchling. What is your name?"

Then I registered what the mysterious voice had said. One word ringing loud and clear. Hatchling. Not, Child. Not, Baby. But hatchling. It was the dragon who said that.

"Y-you said that?" I asked her. Her ears perked up

"You can understand me? I've met two humans who can understand me."

"Um, I think that I can. Wait, did you say you've met someone else who can understand you. Who?"

"Answer my question first. Then maybe I'll tell you."

"Okay, my name is Delta. Delta Haddock." The Night Fury's ears perked up at the mention of my last name.

"Okay, I trust you. I actually know a lot about you. Come with me. I came to answer your wish. By the way, my name is Dawn."

"How do you know a lot about me? What wish? And I can't go with you because I have to come first in dragon training so that I can show everyone how awesome dragons are."

"How long does dragon training last?"

"It lasts for three months."

"We can be back in a month. I am guessing that you will want to stay. Anyway, it's a two-day flight so we'll be gone five days minimum. Because I will need to rest before making the journey again. As for your questions. The wish, you made it yesterday. And your other questions will be answered when we arrive. It is much easier to answer them there. You'll see."

"Okay, but won't my parents think I'm dead?" She thought for a moment.

"Leave them a note saying that you want some training on the field and that you'll be back in a month. Also, give it to your mother."

"Okay, I'll meet you here at midnight. No, on second thought meet me at the cove. You know where that is, don't you?"

"Yes. I will see you at midnight, at the cove."

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