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Astrid's POV

I just gaped at him. He is Delta's brother!?

"Wait, you're telling me that you are Delta's brother? Delta only had one brother other than Rowan, and he died ten years... Ohhhhhh!!! You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third! You are the heir to Berk. And you ran away. For ten years. That's how we met before and also why your name was so familiar."

"That is all entirely accurate."

Hiccup is alive. He loves dragons. He ran away and he didn't tell anyone. "Everything makes a lot more sense now." I stopped. "Why didn't you tell me, who you really were?"

"This may sound weak, but, while I was away I forgot almost everything about my previous life. There were things that I remembered but, I was only here until I was five, so I couldn't remember everything. I forgot what my parents looked like. I forgot what everyone looked like really. I even forgot what Berk looked like, so when I arrived here a couple of months ago during the raid I didn't know where I was. I even forgot what my parents' names were. Actually, now that I think about it I probably never knew my parents' names. That's why I didn't recognize you immediately because I didn't remember what you looked like.

"But, I didn't tell you my full name for two reasons. First of all, I thought you had already figured it out. The second reason is extremely selfish though. I didn't tell you because I was- no am afraid to face my past. It took me ten years to come back here, Astrid. That's how afraid I am."

"Well, at least you had reasons."

"Of course, I have reasons. I wouldn't have left without reasons. But, I also wouldn't have come back without reasons. You know what else I wouldn't have done without reasons is..."

"Stop, you just gave me another question that I want to be answered."

"Okay, I guess it's only fair because I asked you.

"So, I left because Toothless was leaving. You see, I had met him when I was three. I went to visit him every day and we became inseparable, we are still the best of friends. So on my fifth birthday, mom comes up to me and tells me that they have to leave and return to their original home. I told her that I was going to go with them.

"I wanted to go because that day, at my party I realized that no one cared about me except for my family, Gobber, and Fishlegs. None of you guys even remembered my birthday except for Fishlegs. It hurt, believe me. I also wanted to be free with the dragons and do what I want. Not what the village wants, which was to kill dragons. Seriously, I don't have the heart to be able to do that. Furthermore, I never wanted the responsibility of being the chief, all the work and speeches, it's not me.

"But, if I'm honest with myself at the end of the day. The real reason deep down was that I can't live without Toothless. Toothless and I could live a thousand worlds apart but we would find our way to each other eventually. Even if it took every second of every day of our entire lives. Deep down, I know that."

Wow, he has much better reasons than I do. I guess that's why he left. Because there wasn't enough tying him here and too much pulling him away. "Hiccup, one more question." He sighed. "I promise it's the last one."

"Ask away. But, I make no promises of answering it." I glared at him. "Too bad." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Okay, fine. Before, did you say you have a crush on me?" He stilled. He totally does. I didn't just imagine it.

He wasn't looking at me, so I just threw my arms around him. He hesitated for a second then hugged me back. When I let go of him we turned around and we were both blushing.

"I like you that way too," I whispered to him. We stood there for a while and then we realized what time it was.

I kissed him on the cheek and ran back home.

Meanwhile, I was thinking. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is alive and back on Berk. He is the missing heir of Berk. He likes me. And I like him.

I didn't see how today could possibly get any better.

Delta's POV

I wasn't able to see Hiccup today because I was too busy worrying about this week. Tomorrow is the last day of dragon training. Two days after that is the finals. And three days after that is the Monstrous Nightmare.

There is only one other person who is good enough to make it to the finals: Astrid. I hope I can beat her. I hope I can make it to the Monstrous Nightmare. I don't know what'll do if I don't.

Stormfly's POV

As soon as we saw that Hiccup and Astrid had gone for a walk we settled back in the cave awaiting their return.

30 minutes later

"What is taking them so long?"

"Well, let's see. They went off to talk; Hiccup probably told Astrid how he felt; Astrid likely thought that Hiccup and Delta were together. So, Hiccup had to tell her who he was. Then, she probably kissed him and ran off."

"Well, Moon, my rider is very smart I think she figured out who Hiccup was all by herself."

Suddenly, we heard the sound of quiet footsteps. Moon and I immediately became defensive.

"Stormfly, Moon, are you in there?" I sighed in relief.

"Yes, we are. You know you're not supposed to sneak up on a dragon. Mom taught us that when we were like six."

"I didn't know I was being stealthy." He retorted.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I suddenly burst out; "How'd it go?"

"Well, we were talking and I told her how I felt. Then she told me that she thought Delta and I were a thing. So, I told her that we were siblings. She got very confused because I was supposed to be dead eventually she figured it out. So, then she said she liked me too and we hugged. When we realized what time it was she kissed me on the cheek and ran home."

"Ha, I told you he had to tell her."

"Yes, but, he only told her that they were siblings. She figured it out by herself."

"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that." Replied Moon.

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