Hiccup's Choice

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11 months later

Valka's POV

I woke up, a strange feeling settling in my stomach that took a moment to place. 'Oh no, it's today! I can't believe I forgot. How do you forget your only son's birthday?' I thought to myself as I ran out the door. I had to find a birthday present for Hiccup.

Shortly after I left the house, I ran into Gobber. "Gobber," I shouted, "I need your help."

" 'morning, Valka. What can I do fer yeh?" he replied with a grin.

"I'm the worst mother ever!" I sobbed as tears streaked down my face. "I completely forgot that it's Hiccup's birthday today! And I don't know what to get him!"

"Valka, calm down! It's gonna be okay," he said soothingly.

"But I-I still need to get him something," I cried out in despair as I buried my face in my hands.

"Okay. I'm gonna help yeh, Valka. Let's start with what he likes."

"Well... He likes dragons, and- and he likes to draw," I replied with a hiccup in the middle of the sentence.

"Okay, what's his favourite kind of dragon? That would be a wonderful place to start!" Gobber asked enthusiastically.

"His favourite dragon? Ummm... I-I think that it's a Night Fury. But- but what would I get him that has a Night Fury on it?" I demanded with another hiccup.

"Hmm..." Gobber said, pausing in deep thought. "Yeh, said he like teh draw, right?" I nodded instantly. "How 'bout yeh get him a paperweight... Yeh know, fer his drawings."

"That's genius!" I exclaimed as relief flooded through my veins.

"See? Simple. Just find out what he likes and think of something that fits with it," he exclaimed with a sweeping gesture with his hands... well, his right hand and his hook...

"Thank you so much Gobber! It's perfect! I can't express my gratitude enough!"

"It was my pleasure, Valka." And with that, I ran off in search of the perfect stone.

I sat down at a small table in the forge with the flat-bottomed grey rock. Taking my charcoal pencil, I sketched a simple Night Fury.

I had only seen a Night Fury once. It had been from afar, and I had been mesmerized. This wasn't my first time drawing the dragon, either. I had immediately drawn it into the Book of Dragons.

I picked up my chisel in my left hand and started chipping away at the drawing, being extremely careful not to move outside of the lines that I had drawn. Finally, I painted the Night Fury pitch black before adding an emerald eye.

Holding the paperweight up, I smiled. Its eyes reminded me of Hiccup.

I put the gift in my bag before getting up to set up Hiccup's party, as was the custom for when a Viking turned five years of age.

Hiccup's POV

I woke up to sunlight pouring through my window. As I stretched, a huge grin broke across my face as I realized that it was my birthday. I leapt out of my bed, getting dressed so that I could go visit my Night Fury 'family', but no such luck.

The second I stepped out of my room, my mom ran up to me. "Happy birthday!" she shouted as she embraced me. When she pulled back, she gave me a beautiful rock with a Night Fury on it.

"Wow, you made this? It's 'mazing!" I exclaimed with wide eyes as I admired her work.

She nodded once with a small smile. "Yes, I did. You like it?"

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